Published by / Citation
The Center for Evidence-based Policy
Opioid Use Disorder

CLOUD - The Curated Library about Opioid Use for Decision-makers

In partnership with the National Governors’ Association and Milbank Memorial Fund, the Center for Evidence-based Policy has created CLOUD: Curated Library about Opioid Use for Decision-makers.(link is external) 

CLOUD's mission is to curate high quality, consumer friendly, evidence-based resources on opioids and the opioid crisis for decision-makers across health care systems, state and local communities, and providers of care. CLOUD strives to be a centralized repository of information to assist decision-making at all levels of the system. 

The 3 target audiences are:

  • Policymakers and non-profit community organisations working in public health and addiction-related issues
  • Health system and third-party payer executives and medical providers
  • Consumers of opioids and their caregivers

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