Substance use issues affecting specific groups, considering their unique risk factors and needs.
Women and Children are the Emerging Face of Drug Addiction in Afghanistan
Q breaks into song, and the lyrics reflect something of himself: "My heart aches, my heart aches and my heart aches," he croons. The 10-year-old hopes to go professional one day, but his mother says that first, he has to break his addiction...
Lift Up! “Prevention of Violence against Women Living with People with Substance Use Disorder
Lift Up! “Prevention of Violence against Women Living with People with Substance Use Disorder”
Special thanks to the Institute of Clinical Psychology UoK, Pakistan US Alumni Network, Initiator Hdf SNYC, DFPF, Wajid Ali Rizwan Jaffar, D...
Ženy užívající heroin v Keni: Proč je důležité zasáhnout v raném věku
Rekreační užívání drog v Keni je běžné u mužů, žen a mládeže z venkovského i městského prostředí.
Heroin je primární droga užívaná injekčně v Keni a je spojena se zvýšenou mírou přenosu HIV.
Nedávný výzkum ukázal, že ženy, které...
Experiences of Women with Substance Use Disorders in Treatment Centers: An Exploratory Study
Women with substance use problems also make up a population with gender-specific needs, which has not received enough attention in the development of policies and treatment services. The gap in gender specific interventions...
Depression and Binge-drinking among Military Spouses and Partner
It is recognised that harmful alcohol consumption is more common amongst those who have served in the UK armed forces.
However this is not just an issue for the individual who has served in the army. In a recent study conducted by...
Tobacco Use Among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Young Adults
It is recognised that smoking and use of tobacco products among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) young adults is higher compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers.
Although it is believed that within the...
Genderově specifické vzorce užívání látek a asociace s individuálními, rodinnými, vrstevnickými a školními faktory u 15letých portugalských dospívajících: latentní regresní analýza třídy
Dospívání je kritickým obdobím zranitelnosti vůči užívání návykových látek. Nedávný výzkum ukázal, že rozdíly mezi pohlavími v užívání návykových látek v dospívání jsou složité a neustále se mění. Cílem této studie je prozkoumat...
Infografika o pohlaví a alkoholu
Not without my Mobile Phone: Alcohol Binge Drinking, Gender Violence and Technology in the Spanish Culture of Intoxication
The practice of binge drinking has in recent decades consolidated what is known as the ‘culture of intoxication’ among young people of Spain. This has coincided with the increase in the use of mobile-phone technology and of...
Gender Differences in the Bidirectional Relationship between Alcohol Consumption and Sleeplessness
The degree to which the relationship between alcohol use and sleeplessness is unidirectional or reciprocal is unclear due to great variation among the results of previous studies. The aim of the present study was...
Use of Electronic Vapor Products Before, During, and After Pregnancy Among Women with a Recent Live Birth — Oklahoma and Texas, 2015
What is already known about this topic?
Most electronic vapor products (EVPs) contain nicotine, a developmental toxicant, and other harmful additives.
What is added by this report?
In 2015, 7.0% of women with a recent...
Konvenční a genetické důkazy o etiologii alkoholu a cévních onemocnění: Prospektivní studie 500 000 mužů a žen v Číně
Mírný příjem alkoholu byl v mnoha studiích spojen se sníženým kardiovaskulárním rizikem ve srovnání s abstinencí nebo s těžším pitím. Studie ve východní Asii mohou pomoci určit, zda jsou tyto asociace kauzální, protože...
Substance Use among Pregnant Women in Nigeria
This study sought to determine the prevalence, patterns and feasibility of screening for psychoactive substance use among pregnant women in an antenatal clinic in Nigeria. It also aimed to determine the...
Narození mrtvého dítěte mezi ženami Předepsaná nikotinová substituční terapie v těhotenství: Analýza velké kohorty těhotenství ve Velké Británii
Naším cílem bylo porovnat riziko porodu mrtvého dítěte mezi mateřskými kuřáky a těmi, kterým byla předepsána nikotinová substituční terapie (NRT) během těhotenství.
Cíle a metody
Provedli jsme průřezovou analýzu...
#DontPinkMyDrink Campaign
After years of objectifying and sexualising women in their advertising, the alcohol industry is now targeting women more directly, linking their products to women's friendships, feminism and empowerment. However, women’s empowerment will...
Chemsex: More than just Sex & Drugs
Supporting a friend, partner, or family member affected by problematic alcohol or drug use can be difficult. Adfam has released a new resource to inform and providing advice on how to look after your wellbeing and as well as that of your...
Prenatal Marijuana Use: Perspectives of Pregnant Women
Marijuana is the drug most commonly used by pregnant women. Understanding the beliefs, attitudes and experience of marijuana use during pregnancy will help practitioners design motivational intervention for women.
In a recent qualitative...
Psychiatric Comorbidity and Intimate Partner Violence among Women Who Inject Drugs in Europe
It is recognised that women who inject drugs are a highly vulnerable group of people and a section of the population who are at higher risk of showing comorbidities. This further impacts their well-being and can create a barrier to seeking...
Frequency and Associated Risk Factors of Non-Fatal Overdose Reported by Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorder
Little is known about opioid overdose or naloxone access among pregnant women.
The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of non-fatal overdose, risk factors for overdose, and...
Information and Advice for the Families of People Living with Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a highly infectious blood-borne virus that affects the cells of the liver causing inflammation. Although many people with the virus may have no symptoms at all people can experience jaundice, depression, fatigue, skin...
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