Profile picture for user otkhanut256 Olemukan Cosmas Butabika national mental referral hospital, Kampala, Uganda.
Profile picture for user tahirdogar21 Tahir Javed Dogar Mr. Tahir Javed Dogar Islamic Addiction Treatment Center.
Profile picture for user michaela1mrazova Michaela Tomschi Mrázová First Faculty of Medicine Charles University
Profile picture for user tjolingam Mosetsanagape Jennifer Tjolinga Mrs Ministry of Health and Wellness
Profile picture for user adimbotanne Adimbo Hala Hassan Mrs Adimbo Hassan Federal neuro psychiatric hospital maiduguri
Profile picture for user mountlavinia.beachapartment Dilka Prashanthi Hewage IHRA Colombo University and Sri Lanka Law College
Profile picture for user nomcebomasuku4 Nomcebo Treasure Masuku Mrs Dlamini Ministry of health, mankayane government hospital
Profile picture for user kabweflorina Florina Phiri Kabwe Mrs Florina Anti drug abuse association of Zambia
Profile picture for user cynthiakassah Cynthia Mrs Kassah Pantang Drug treatment and rehabilitation center
Profile picture for user ladycee15 Cynthia Enweonwu-Arinze Mrs. Cynthia Enweonwu-Arinze Development Centre for Orientation, Discovery and Empowerment (DeCODE)
Profile picture for user yapalacw Linda Anupama Chathurangi Wijerathna Yapa National Dangerous Drug Control Board