Responding to an International Need: INEP Plus
The Introduction to Evidence Based Prevention (INEP) provides learners with the essential principles of substance use prevention. Developed by Charles University (CUNI) in Prague, the course content is based on the European adaptation of...
FERYA [Active and Networked Families] – A Program to Empower Family Organizations for Environmental Prevention and the Promotion of Preventive Rights
Family involvement has proven to be a protective factor in childhood and adolescence, acting as a preventive barrier against risky behaviours, such as substance abuse and addiction, among minors and youth. Family- and community-based...
Students’ Experience with the Online Course in Prevention Science in Two Distinct University Settings: A Pilot Study
BACKGROUND: Online learning has the potential to increase accessibility to high quality and cost-effective resources in prevention of risk behaviors. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the experience of university students with the...
Technology and Substance Use Disorder (SUD)
Science Meets Practice: Localizing the International Standards on Drug Use Prevention in Kenya
Attitudes & Knowledge on Substance Use in displaced communities in Lebanon
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program at Virginia Commonwealth University
A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Substance Use Among PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) Clients at the Sexual Health Promotion Clinic in Hanoi, Vietnam
Intervention to Reduce the Risk of Chemsex Behavior among Men Have Sex with Men in Ho Chi Minh City: A Controlled Intervention
About stigma as a barrier to health care access for migrants and refugees with SUD
Differences between addicted and recreational users: Is it in the reward system after all?
Evolution of Vietnam's Strategies in Drug Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery: A Two-Decade Perspective
First INEP-Plus for beginners course delivered in the UK: evaluation findings
From Public Policy to Clinical Trials Research: Innovative Approaches for Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol and Substance Use and Disorders Across the Globe
New tools for prevention practitioners: how to empower and assess your intervention?
Best and Promising Practices for Improving the Drug Demand Reduction Workforce: International Case Studies in Successful NGO and Government Collaboration
The Declaration of Oviedo: Incorporating Prevention in Drug Policies
Research Update from the National Institute on Drug Abuse
Empowering Change: Strategies for Navigating Your Policy Advocacy Journey
Example of fully functioning digital national infrastructural support IPREV for school and community prevention activities: a compact simple system means understandable, acceptable and sustainable solution
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