Tackling Drug Misuse and Dependence

London, United Kingdom,

This symposium provides an invaluable opportunity for local authorities, health and social care services, NHS and other public health specialists, the third sector and police and law enforcement agencies to discuss priorities for the next drug strategy and ways to promote partnership working at the local level to enable individuals to access support, recover fully and lead meaningful lives. 

Delegates will:

  • Have the opportunity to discuss priorities for the next drug strategy and identify what more needs to be done to ensure the strategy is effective and easy to implement
  • Debate the legalisation of cannabis, discuss the health, social and economic reasons for and against legalisation
  • Consider the impact of the Psychoactive Substances Act in restricting the production, sale and supply of “legal highs” 
  • Understand the connection between drugs and crime and how more effective prevention, treatment and enforcement can reduce drug-related crime
  • Learn ways to promote partnership working at the local level to ensure those affected have access to the services they need
  • Identify how to raise awareness of the impact of drug dependence and misuse through partnership working at the local level
  • Evaluate the consequences of drug dependence and misuse on the health and mental health of drug users and what more can be done to ensure better service delivery
  • Hear from colleagues and share best practice on the challenges, successes and next steps in providing effective support and service delivery for all those in need
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