Webinar: U.S. Tobacco Control Policies to Reduce Health Disparities

August 8, 2017 (2 - 3 p.m. ET)

This webinar will provide an overview of the R01 and R21 funding opportunity announcements (FOA), U.S. Tobacco Control Policies to Reduce Health Disparities PAR-17-217 (R01) and PAR-17-218 (R21).

These FOAs will support research to:

  1. Understand how to improve the effectiveness of existing tobacco control policy strategies to reduce health disparities in tobacco use;
  2. Study new policy approaches to reduce health disparities in tobacco use.

The National Cancer Institute seeks applications on observational or intervention-based research to reduce health disparities in tobacco use among vulnerable populations in the United States. Specifically, these opportunities intend to stimulate scientific inquiry focused on innovative tobacco control policies. The long-term goal of this funding is to reduce disparities in health outcomes, thereby reducing the excess disease burden of tobacco use within these groups.

First application due date: October 11, 2017

Letter of Intent due date: September 11, 2017

Earliest submission date: September 11, 2017

Questions can be posed in advance to ncidccpsbrpadvances [at] mail [dot] nih [dot] gov (ncidccpsbrpadvances[at]mail[dot]nih[dot]gov).

National Cancer Institute Speakers:

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Bob Vollinger, MSPH

Program Director

Tobacco Control Research Branch

Behavioral Research Program

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Annette Kaufman, PhD, MPH

Program Director

Tobacco Control Research Branch

Behavioral Research Program

Erik Augustson, PhD, MPH
Program Director
Tobacco Control Research Branch
Behavioral Research Program

Intended Audience:
Extramural investigators at junior, mid-, and senior levels.

Email your questions in advance to ncidccpsbrpadvances [at] mail [dot] nih [dot] gov (ncidccpsbrpadvances[at]mail[dot]nih[dot]gov). Questions about specific aims or grant application details will not be addressed during the webinar, but they may be sent to bob [dot] vollinger [at] nih [dot] gov (Bob Vollinger) or kaufmana [at] mail [dot] nih [dot] gov (Annette Kaufman).

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