Webinar: Gambling Co-Morbidity with Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders


This webinar will examine the frequent co-occurrence of gambling disorders and other substance use and mental health disorders. It will look at the correlation between gambling and other disorders from the perspective of individuals presenting for treatment for gambling disorders and individuals presenting for treatment of substance use or mental health disorders. The webinar will examine the connection between gambling and alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and opioids. It will look at gambling disorders among individuals with depression, anxiety, ADHD, and Anti-Social Personality Disorder. The webinar will also address gambling concerns among people with a severe mental illness.

Learning Objectives
  • Articulate the correlation between gambling disorders and other mental health and substance use disorders.
  • Understand the need for integrated treatment of gambling and other disorders.
  • Identify at least three common perceived benefits of gambling for those with severe mental illness.
Who Should Attend

Addiction professionals, employee assistance professionals, social workers, mental health counselors, professional counselors, psychologists, and other helping professionals that are interested in learning about addiction-related matters.

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