13th ISSDP Conference
Submitted by Edie
The 13th International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP) will be held in Paris, France on 22-24 May 2019.
The scientific committee is accepting abstracts for the event.
The ISSDP Conference is a unique occasion to present your latest findings to an intellectually engaged, diverse and dedicated scholarly community, and to immerse yourself in the state of the art research across the full spectrum of drug policy research, with the participation of leading international scholars.
The conference themes this year include:
- Theories in drug policy
- Harm reduction epistemologies
- Comparative policy analyses
- Methodological innovation in drug policy analysis
- Regulatory options and policy alternatives for currently illicit drugs
- Diversity in drug policy: accommodating ethnicity, class, gender and culture
- Globalization and relationships between South and North. Drugs and development
- Interrelationships between drug policy and social policy
- Synergies and conflicts between drug policy at the local, national and international level
- The role of different kinds of stakeholders and their position in drug policy
- Peer engagement/user involvement in drug policy
- Drug supply and suppliers, internet markets for drugs
- Opioid use and responses – Opioid crisis
- Cannabis regulation models
- New Psychoactive Drugs