European Drugs Summer School

The University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) and the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) will be joining forces once again next summer to hold the eighth European drugs summer school (EDSS) on ‘Illicit Drugs in Europe: Demand, Supply and Public Policies’. Registration is now open for the two-week course, which will take place in the Portuguese capital from 24 June to 5 July. The initiative is also supported by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
Through a multidisciplinary and interactive approach to the drugs problem, EMCDDA scientific experts, leading academics, guest speakers, policymakers and professionals, will prepare participants to meet the complex policy challenges in this field — both in Europe and beyond. The focus of the 2019 course will be on interventions in prisons and alternatives to incarceration.
Week 1 of the summer school, focusing on the ‘Drugs Problem: Substance Use and Problems, Substance Characteristics, and Market’
Week 2, dedicated to ‘Policymaking for Drug-Related Issues’
During the course, students will also participate in interactive workshops to discuss their own projects and views.
The target audiences for the EDSS are university students, researchers, professionals and administrators interested in working on drug issues.