Alcohol and the Nervous System

The 2020 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Alcohol and the Nervous System will provide a unique forum to bring together a diverse range of young and established alcohol researchers and experts in complementary fields.
The conference will cover a broad range of studies at the molecular, cellular, circuit/systems and behavioural level, with particular emphasis on multidisciplinary work and innovative approaches. Talks will address questions centred on the neural substrates that contribute to alcohol-related health disorders across the entire lifespan and will include systems ranging across phylogeny. Participation by young investigators will be strongly emphasized.
The central goals of the conference are to:
- Foster deep and open discussion of groundbreaking research at the forefront of the investigation into alcohol effects on the nervous system and related neuroscience areas.
- To highlight cutting edge neuroscience techniques that facilitate the discovery of brain mechanisms driving alcohol drinking and abuse and those involved in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
- To promote interaction between young and senior investigators and the exchange of ideas that will shape future directions of alcohol neuroscience research.
- To foster the development of the next generation of alcohol researchers by encouraging the participation of students and postdoctoral fellows.
- To recruit scientists from related research areas to the alcohol addiction field by promoting and fostering new collaborations.