SPR 2020 Virtual Conference

As the premiere prevention research conference, the SPR Annual Meeting provides a unique opportunity to advance the vision of SPR by providing a centrally integrated forum for the exchange of new concepts, methods, and results from prevention research and related public health fields; and by providing a forum for the communication between scientists, public policy leaders and practitioners concerning the implementation of evidence-based preventive interventions in all areas of public health.
The SPR Board are developing a leaner schedule which will highlight our plenary sessions, invited symposia, a presidential address, and special events, e.g., Diversity Network Committee, ECPN, and International Committee symposia, and the always popular SPR Cup.
Additionally, all presenting authors of organized paper symposia, individual papers and individual posters will have an opportunity, if they wish, to post their pre-recorded presentations which will be available virtually ON DEMAND. All sessions will be archived for future viewing.