Webinar: Community interventions and substance use. Challenges in times of social isolation
ISSUP Argentina invites you to participate in a webinar that will address community interventions and substance use. Challenges in times of social isolation. The webinar will take place on June 22, 2020 at 10:00 hrs (Argentina time).
June 22, 2020, 10:00 - 11:00 hrs (Argentina time)
Click here to sign up for the webinar
The conference questions the relevance of conceptual and operational models in the current planetary catastrophe caused by COVID - 19. Based on the immediate psychosocial impact on the population, the Ecological Models of Human Development - MEDH, its relationship with psychosocial stress, the use of psychoactive substances and psychosocial support networks that can be used with current technologies, where face-to-face relations and territorial interventions have been left inability under the forty, stand out.
Presenter: Dr. Antonio Lapalma
PhD in Psychology from belgrano University
Director of the Master's Degree in Community Psychology and full professor of Preventive Psychology subjects at the University of the Argentine Social Museum – UMSA.
He is also a professor at the University of the Silver Basin in the Province of Corrientes, at the National University of Mar del Plata, at the Universidad de Flores UFLO and at the University Institute of Mental Health.
In 1987 he designed the subject Strategies of Community Intervention at the University of Buenos Aires.
He is Visiting Professor at The Universities of Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Switzerland.
He has directed National Programs with International Funding on Maternal Health, Adolescents, Child Labour and Community Infrastructure.
He was Director of the School of Public Health of the Province of Buenos Aires.
He is a researcher and author of articles in Community Psychology.