2020 NCCRED Symposium: Innovations in therapeutic practice for methamphetamine use disorder

Having held our inaugural symposium last year as part of APSAD in Hobart, NCCRED will host its second symposium on Friday 20th November from 11am-3pm.
NCCRED’s 2020 symposium, in line with the Centre’s aims, is a vital opportunity for the AoD sector to advance its collective response to emerging drugs:
- Collaborate to build and expand research networks and capacity
- Generate the best evidence-based knowledge
- Translate the latest research into best clinical practice
The 2020 symposium will focus on innovations in the therapeutic practice for methamphetamine disorder. The symposium brings together leading national researchers, including presentations from recipients of NCCRED’s Round 2 Seed Funding Program, the Clinical Research Fellows, some Round 1 grant recipients and NCCRED research team members as they share the most up-to-date aspects of their work and research around emerging drug use. Areas of exploration in the 2020 symposium include:
- New directions in pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine withdrawal
- Networks and referral pathways for people with methamphetamine dependence
- Emerging national drug monitoring networks