9th European Alcohol Policy Conference


The 9th European Alcohol Policy Conference, will be held in Oslo, 18 – 19 November 2020. This is the 9th in a series of very successful European Alcohol Policy Conferences (Warsaw 2004, Helsinki 2006, Barcelona 2008, Brussels 2010, Stockholm 2012, Brussels 2014 and Ljubljana 2016 and Edinburgh 2018). The theme of this year’s conference is “Futureproofing Alcohol Policy”.

The conference is a platform to reflect on achievements and share experiences with partners across Europe, while also looking forward to new challenges where we can work together across national boundaries. The conference will bring together a broad representation of stakeholders concerned with alcohol related-harm (policy and decision makers, scientists, and alcohol and health experts) in order to strengthen networks, build capacity and stimulate action to prevent and reduce alcohol related problems at all levels. 

This year’s conference will run along four overarching categories: alcohol policy in the digital age, alcohol and cancer, alcohol in the workplace and alcohol policy across Europe. 

The conference will be raising awareness among the key policy and decision makers of the current burden of alcohol in Europe and the multiple health and social problems it creates. It will explore ways in which cost effective alcohol policies can contribute to the creation of sustainable health system savings. In addition, this conference will consider the synergies between the current work undertaken by both the European Commission and the World Health Organization. In the current political and economic situation, it is necessary to maintain a high level of attention to the issue of alcohol to ensure continued policy developments to address alcohol related harm.

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