St. Augustine/Florida
United States
Event Type



SPORT 2 Prevention Plus Wellness Program & Training for Health & PE Teachers: Free Webinar

Session Objectives:

  1. Explore the health behavior content of the six-session SPORT 2 Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs for use by prevention, health education and physical education teachers. 
  2. Compare scripts for providing these PPWs to high school, middle school and elementary school youth individually and in group settings, both in-person as well as online.
  3. Review program manuals, PowerPoint slides and reproducible materials found in the program digital downloads.
  4. Identify online program implementation and training of trainer workshop opportunities for teachers and other professionals.
  5. Describe how PPW programs address National Health Education Standards.


Length: 60 minutes 

Date: Thursday June 3rd                    

Time: 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT 

CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar

Learn more about SPORT 2 PPW Programs:

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