SPORT 2 Prevention Plus Wellness Program & Training for Health & PE Teachers: Free Webinar
Submitted by Chudley Werch
- 28 May 2021
Session Objectives:
- Explore the health behavior content of the six-session SPORT 2 Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) programs for use by prevention, health education and physical education teachers.
- Compare scripts for providing these PPWs to high school, middle school and elementary school youth individually and in group settings, both in-person as well as online.
- Review program manuals, PowerPoint slides and reproducible materials found in the program digital downloads.
- Identify online program implementation and training of trainer workshop opportunities for teachers and other professionals.
- Describe how PPW programs address National Health Education Standards.
Length: 60 minutes
Date: Thursday June 3rd
Time: 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT
CEU Certificate: CEU certificate available upon completing webinar
Learn more about SPORT 2 PPW Programs: