Use of Digital Technology in Overdose Prevention: Drugs Research Network Scotland Knowledge Exchange
Drug overdoses continue to impact different countries in the world particularly in North America and Scotland. Scotland has the most severe Drug-Related Deaths (DRD) problem in Europe, almost four times that of other countries. Innovative solutions are required to support people at risk of harm. Digital technology such as smartphone application, wearable or sensors, could help to identify and prevent overdose. This seminar will present international innovation studies on different digital solutions with speakers from across the globe as well as Scotland.
Presentations will include:
- Emergency Response Communities for Opioid Overdose: UnityPhilly and beyond. Professor David Schwartz , Bar-llan University.
- Here4U Scotland - response community application. Oona Keirg, Brave Tech & Gillian MacLean, Alcohol & Drugs Action
- Wearable technologies to detect and respond to opioid overdose. Dr Basak Tas, Research Fellow at Kings College London
- Piloting a digital health respiratory monitoring intervention to reduce drug-related deaths: The 'RESCU' Project'. Kristina Hnízdilová, PhD Student, University of Dundee
- Introducing international technology solutions to prevent opiate overdose network. Jon Shorrock, Convenor of ITSPOON and Research Collaborator
The event will be chaired by Professor Catriona Matheson, University of Stirling. The session will take place on Zoom with joining details sent to those registered prior to the event date. If you have any questions relating to the event please contact admin [at] drns [dot] ac [dot] uk or hadi [dot] daneshvar [at] stir [dot] ac [dot] uk