2023 Virtual NIDA International Forum

The NIDA International Program invites you to the 2023 NIDA International Forum, which will take place June 8 and 9, 2023.
This year’s plenary sessions will feature presentations by researchers from around the world on a range of issues related to substance use and addiction that can benefit from international perspectives. Topics addressed will include:
- Scalable treatment and care for psychoactive stimulant use disorders
- International research and training
- International approaches to cannabis regulation
- Substance use disorder issues and rural health
- Media campaigns addressing addiction issues
- Building a global quality assurance system for treatment services
In addition, International Forum research posters will be available to view in the Forum Poster Gallery in the online platform from June 8 to 15.
Held annually, the NIDA International Forum highlights a range of drug use and addiction research conducted around the world. This unique scientific meeting allows participants to network with talented colleagues, learn about drug use research and policy issues across the globe, and discuss NIDA-supported fellowships and other programs that can support international collaborations.
View the Agenda.
Register today! There is no charge to participate in the NIDA International Forum; however, online registration is required.