What support young people whose parents use substances want?

Adfam's latest forum for practitioners and professionals will answer the question 'what support do children and young people actually want?'
- Tuesday 17th October 2023, 10.30am - 12 noon (BST)
- Register for free here
Adfam is a UK based charity that tackles the negative effects of substance use on families, and organises regular forums to hear from experts across the sector on topics relating to families and substance use. Adfam's online forum events are free to attend and open to anyone with a professional interest in supporting families affected by substance use.
At this event we will be hearing from Dr Cassey Muir of Newcastle University, Fuse & NIHR School for Public health Research (SPHR).
Cassey will be presenting her recently published PhD thesis on supporting young people whose parents use substances, and answering the question 'what support do children and young people actually want?'
Following an initial review of existing literature, much of the findings had little to say about how young people themselves wanted to be supported following their experiences. This PhD focuses squarely on the experiences and voices of young people, and what can be done to support them and build on their strengths, agency, resistance, and resiliency.
The young person’s voice is lasting and at the forefront of this project. Young people were involved from the start, in addition to sharing their experiences and insights, they also guided the research questions, designed research materials, contributed to ethics procedures, analysed data, and presented results to practice and policy professionals.
This event will take place via Zoom, register via this page to receive the link.
If you have any questions please get in touch with the Adfam team at admin [at] adfam [dot] org [dot] uk
Find out more about the study by reading a Blog article by Cassey on Adfam's website.