Co-Creation in Community-Based Prevention

ISSUP, in collaboration with the ICUDDR, cordially invites you to an upcoming webinar on Co-creation in community-based prevention
Time: 2:00 PM CEST | 8:00 AM EST | 1:00 PM UK
Register for the Webinar
Community-based prevention highlights community participation and empowerment and emphasizes the larger community context. This participation may take place across different phases of intervention planning; from development, to implementation and evaluation. We know that prevention strategies are more effective if there is a match with the needs of the target group.
This match can be achieved by adapting evidence-based interventions to the need of the target group, by using local data. In this webinar, Dr. Koning will discuss the challenges of community-based prevention and share tips and tricks on how to use local data in community-based prevention.
Intended audience:
- Practitioners, youth care workers, prevention workers
Learning outcomes:
Better understanding of community-based prevention
Insight into the challenges of community-based prevention
- Insight into how to use local data in community-based prevention
Dr. Ina Koning, Universiteit Amsterdam
Ina Koning is an associate Professor at Clinical Child and Family Studies, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, VU University in The Netherlands. Koning has made a significant contribution to research associated with parenting and the prevention of adolescent substance use and problematic social media use. She has extensive experience in leading major randomised controlled trials and conducted the first trial to evaluate a combined parent and student intervention in the Netherlands. Currently she is setting up a community-based alcohol prevention, together with relevant stakeholders. Koning highly values the translation of her work to practice. She has a history of disseminating her work to utilize the knowledge gained in the most comprehensive way possible.
Samuel Tomczyk, University of Greifswald
Samuel Tomczyk works as junior professor for Digital Health and Prevention at the Institute of Psychology, University of Greifswald, since 2020. In his research, he examines the requirements and impact of digital technologies in prevention and health care, with a focus on (digital) mental health, substance use and child and adolescent health. He utilizes mixed methods and participatory research approaches to investigate co-production in the development, implementation, and evaluation of digital health and prevention technologies, including digital communities.
Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.