PKP Event: Caring for women with substance use disorders in jails and prisons

We are excited to share the invitation for the May 2024 Practical Knowledge Program (PKP) Event!
Title: Caring for women with substance use disorders in jails and prisons
Speaker: Essence Hairston, Outpatient Program Manager, UNC Horizons Wake
Please join us for an opportunity to learn, connect, and surround ourselves with like-minded and inspirational persons.
See you all WEDNESDAY, 8th of May 9-10 AM Eastern Daylight Time (Washington DC time). These meetings occur at the same time each month on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Check the time zone converter for your local time
Zoom link:
Join code: 895 2446 3194
Please share this invitation with anyone you know who is working with women in SUD treatment or who has a goal to work with women in treatment. We want to get them inspired by this amazing community!
If you haven’t completed the survey of the Power of Collaboration Project please do it here!