"The Real Cost" 10th Anniversary Webinar: The Power of Prevention
Submitted by Olivia Woodrow

Time: 3 - 4:15PM Eastern Time
This webinar will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the award-winning “The Real Cost” youth tobacco prevention campaign. It will feature opening remarks by Dr. Brian King, Director, Center for Tobacco Products and include a presentation and Q&A session with staff who work on “The Real Cost” campaign.
Topics to be addressed during the webinar include:
- the impact of the campaign on youth tobacco use
- the importance of public education to CTP’s comprehensive tobacco regulation efforts
- the extensive research and scientific support that informs CTP’s campaign messaging
- the campaign’s ability to adapt, success stories, and its future
The webinar is free of charge, but prior registration is required. It will be accessible by computer or phone. Live closed captioning and ASL interpreters will be provided.