Highlights from the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report

Join our upcoming webinar presenting highlights from the 2024 edition of the UNODC World Drug Report. This event will be presented by Giovanna Campello, Chief of the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Time: 2:00 PM London | 9:00 AM EST
Register for the Webinar
In this comprehensive webinar, Giovanna Campello will discuss the latest findings, data and trends in global drug use, production, and trafficking as reported in the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report. Attendees will gain insights into the critical issues affecting drug policy and practice worldwide. The presentation will cover key findings and conclusions from the report, providing an in-depth look at the current global drug landscape.
Language: The event will be in English with interpretation available in Spanish and French.
Intended audience:
- Policy makers and government officials involved in drug control and public health
- Healthcare professionals and treatment providers
- Researchers and academics in the fields of substance use and public health
- NGOs and community organizations working on drug prevention and rehabilitation
- Anyone interested in understanding the global drug situation and its impact
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the webinar, participants will:
Understand key findings and conclusions from the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report.
Learn about emerging challenges and opportunities in global drug policy and practice.
Gain insights into the role of international cooperation in addressing drug-related issues.
Explore evidence-based approaches to reduce drug demand and supply.
Ms Giovanna Campello,
Ms. Giovanna Campello has more than 25 years of experience with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in supporting Member States and stakeholders at all levels in improving their drug prevention response applying and contributing to scientific evidence. Most notably in this context, she has led the publication of the International Standards of Drug Use Prevention in 2013 and the UNODC/WHO second updated edition in 2018.
Since 2016, she has been leading the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, thus promoting evidence-based, gender- and human-rights-sensitive practice on drug prevention, treatment, care and rehabilitation, as well as access to controlled medicines.
Dr Goodman Sibeko
Scientific Advisor, ISSUP
Interpretation Instructions for Spanish & French speakers:
Access the Interpretation: https://meeting.interactio.com/listen/search?eventCode=ISSUP
Enter the meeting code: ISSUP
Select the language channel: Spanish or French
A few important details on how to listen to the interpretation:
By phone: The best way is to open the Interactio app and listen to the interpretation on your phone while watching the video meeting through your computer;
By computer: If you want to listen to the interpretation on the same device as the video meeting, you will need to select 'No Audio' in the GoToWebinar Control Panel, and only listen through the Interactio web app at meeting.interactio.com
Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.