Community Mobilisation, Co-Development, and Program Evaluation: Experiences from STAD’s Community-Based Interventions

ISSUP, in collaboration with ICUDDR, cordially invites you to an upcoming webinar on Community Mobilisation, Co-Development, and Program Evaluation: Experiences from Stockholm Prevents Alcohol and Drug Problems (STAD)'s Community-Based Interventions.
Time: 2:00 PM CET | 8:00 AM EST | 1:00 PM UK
Register for the Webinar
For more than 25 years, STAD (Stockholm Prevents Alcohol and Drug Problems) has successfully developed, implemented, and evaluated different community-based interventions focusing on substance use prevention in different settings. This webinar will present community-based programs such as Responsible Beverage Service, Clubs against Drugs, and Football not Bingeing that has been implemented and evaluated in Sweden and other countries. We will cover for instance the community mobilisation and co-development process, innovative evaluation methods, and hindering and success factors.
Intended audience:
- Practitioners, prevention workers, stakeholders, and decision makers with an interest in substance use prevention.
Learning outcomes:
Participants will gain enhanced knowledge and understanding in the following areas:
Mobilising and engaging stakeholders in prevention work and the co-production development process.
Implementing and disseminating programs effectively at local, national, and international levels.
Identifying and addressing challenges and success factors related to program evaluation and community-based interventions.
Elgán, T.H., Andréasson, S., & Gripenberg, J. Long-term effects of an alcohol prevention program at licensed premises: a Swedish 20-year follow-up study. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024; 12:1423708.
Elgán. T.H., Durbeej, N., Holder, H.D., & Gripenberg, J. Effects of a multi-component alcohol prevention intervention at sporting events: a quasi-experimental control group study. Addiction, 2021; 116(10):2663-2672.
Elgán, T.H., Durbeej, N., Holder, H., & Gripenberg, J. Overserving and allowed entry of obviously alcohol-intoxicated spectators at sporting events. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2018; 42(2), 444-452.
Durbeej, N., Elgán, T.H., Jalling, C., & Gripenberg, J. Alcohol intoxication at Swedish football matches: A study using biological sampling to assess blood alcohol concentration levels among spectators. PlosOne, 2017; 12(11):e0188284.
Gripenberg Abdon, J., Wallin, E., and Andréasson, S. Long-term effects of a community-based intervention: 5-year follow-up of ‘Clubs against Drugs’. Addiction, 2011; 106(11):1997-2004.
Johanna Gripenberg, Associate Professor and Director at STAD
STAD, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet & Region Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr. Johanna Gripenberg is a researcher and the Director at STAD (Stockholm prevents alcohol and drug problems). STAD is a research and development unit within Stockholm Centre for Psychiatry Research, Stockholm County Council, and the Karolinska Institutet at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience. Johanna is also a research group leader at the Karolinska Institutet. Johanna’s research field is prevention science and she focus on the development, implementation and evaluation of substance use prevention programs in the local community. Multi-component interventions, community mobilization, and co-production of prevention programs are some of her special interests.
Examples of programs developed by STAD are programs in the nightlife setting such as Responsible Beverage Service and Clubs against Drugs. In addition, STAD has also developed an alcohol prevention program for large sporting events in the Swedish Premier Football League. Johanna has been the principal investigator for Sweden for several EU-projects such as the “STAD in Europe”-project,
Tobias Elgán, Associate Professor,
STAD, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet & Region Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr. Tobias Elgán is a researcher at STAD and his resarch field is in prevention science. His research covers areas from multi-component community-based prevention interventions to digital interventions targeting at-risk groups such as youth who have parents with substance use problems. Tobias has led several randomized controlled trials as well as quasi-experimental studies. Tobias has been involved in several international projects and is currently an expert consultant for a project on digital interventions to improve mental health among adolescents led by the National Institute of Mental Health in Czech Republic.
Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.