
Mark your calendars to attend the most important prevention science conference – the Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 28th Annual Meeting that will be held in Washington, DC, May 26 – May 29, 2020, at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill. This year’s theme is “Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science.”
Banyak remaja tidak menyadari risiko terhadap kesehatan mereka, keberhasilan mereka di sekolah dan bahaya saat mengemudi di bawah pengaruh. Ketika remaja diberi fakta ilmiah tentang narkoba, mereka dapat lebih siap untuk membuat keputusan yang baik untuk diri mereka sendiri dan mereka dapat berbagi informasi ini dengan orang lain.
O Freemind, entidade anfitriã da ISSUP no Brasil, durante o 6º Congresso Internacional Freemind, reuniu participantes de várias universidades brasileiras e representantes do Governo Federal para apresentar o Consórcio Internacional de Universidades para a Redução da Demanda de Drogas – ICUDDR, que faz parte da ISSUP Global e é muito importante para que se possa incentivar a pesquisa dentro das Universidades nesta área de drogadição.
Description The critical role of clinical supervision in both staff development and retention are well-documented. The disconnect between the need for clinical supervision and the consistent provision thereof in the field, however, is often attributable to common barriers experienced among service providers.
Tertarik untuk menjadi profesional pengurangan permintaan obat kredensial?  Berikut adalah kesempatan untuk dilatih dalam kursus tingkat awal dari seri pelatihan Kurikulum Perawatan Universal di ketinggian 5000 kaki di atas permukaan laut di kota resor pegunungan Baguio, Filipina 
The 6th Freemind International Congress provided its participants with much information of important and relevant content, based on scientific evidence. There were 40 national speakers and 10 international speakers, 20 hours of international training, 30 hours of lectures, 25 hours of thematic panels and 12 hours of playful activities.
Speaking at the Opening Ceremony of the 6th Freemind International Congress, Dr. Quirino Cordeiro Junior - National Secretary for Drug Care and Prevention - announced that a TECHNICAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT had been signed between ISSUP Brasil and the Union, through the Ministry of Citizenship and through the National Secretariat for Drug Care and Prevention - SENAPRED / MC.
Em sua fala durante a Cerimônia de Abertura do 6º Congresso Internacional Freemind, Dr.
Kongres Internasional Freemind ke-6, yang diselenggarakan oleh Freemind Mobilization dan ISSUP Brazil, diadakan di kota Águas de Lindóia / SP, Brasil dari 4 hingga 7 Desember 2019.