
Webinar ini diadakan di bawah inisiatif bersama ISSUP Ukraina, Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Kementerian Kesehatan Ukraina dan ICF "Alliance for Public Health".
Welcome to this edition! We have been busy finding lots of great updates and resources for you to explore in this newsletter. We hope you enjoy catching up with our latest news and content.
We are delighted to share the highlights from the recent Society for Prevention Research (SPR) Conference, held from 30th May to 2nd June in Washington, D.C.
Kami senang untuk berbagi bahwa ISSUP secara aktif berpartisipasi dalam Pertemuan Regional Hibrida ISAM Francophone pertama yang diadakan pada 23 Juni 2023, di Université Saint-Joseph di Beirut, Lebanon.
Apreciados miembros, Nos complace anunciar que ya está disponible la primera edición del Boletín ISSUP Colombia.
ISSUP Egypt National Chapter was launched on Wednesday 14th June 2023, hosted by the Okasha Institute of Psychiatry
ISSUP memberikan sambutan pembukaan mereka di Forum Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) ke-4 yang terhormat tentang Alkohol, Narkoba, dan Perilaku Adiktif sebelumnya hari ini, 27 Juni 2023.
Continued record illicit drug supply and increasingly agile trafficking networks are compounding intersecting global crises and challenging health services and law enforcement responses, according to the World Drug Report 2023 launched by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) today.
ISSUP India Chapter telah secara efektif menyelenggarakan program pelatihan tiga hari untuk Master trainer pada Modul NAVCHETNA dari 22 - 24 Juni 2023 di SCERT, Jammu. Tujuan utama dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan memberikan pendidikan tentang keterampilan hidup dan obat-obatan kepada siswa di sekolah.
INEP is online course “Introduction to Evidence-based Prevention” It comprises 10 “Lectures” to introduce key concepts and issues for undertaking prevention focused work. It is a programme targeting people who are at the beginning of their career development as “preventionists”.