
More than two hundred Filipino and foreign stakeholders recently adopted the Manila Declaration on Creating Alternatives to Incarceration (ATI) Systems in the Philippines
ISSUP Pakistan Chapter organized a seminar on "Substance Use Prevention Among Youth" following the theme "Addressing Drug Challenges in Health and Humanitarian Crises" in collaboration with TABA NUST SDG Student Hub NUST at the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad-Pakistan.
La Enciclopedia Argentina de Salud Mental (EASM) es un proyecto de Fundación Aiglé.
Los invitamos a nuestra próxima Conferencia Regional ISSUP que se llevará a cabo del 19 al 21 de abril de 2023 en la Universidad del Museo Social Argentino en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari AIDS Sedunia, pada 1 Desember 2022. ISSUP Indonesia dan Yayasan Kasih Mulia berinisiatif mengundang para pemangku kepentingan di Indonesia untuk bergabung dalam diskusi dengan mengadakan talkshow yang membahas tantangan pengobatan dan pencegahan HIV serta gangguan penggunaan zat di era pascapandemi. Tema: Layanan Pengobatan HIV dan Penggunaan Zat: Ketidaksetaraan dan Tantangan di Era Pasca Pandemi
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) would like to share its intention to establish a National Chapter in Qatar.
The ISSUP National Chapters general meeting was held virtually on Tuesday 29th November 2022. This is the first time the National Chapters were meeting as a group after the amazing in-person experience in Abu Dhabi.
This week we celebrate the 2nd ISSUP Philippines National Conference. Taking place in Quezon City, Manila, the event marks the official launch of the Philippine Addiction Specialists Society (PASS) as the Philippines National Chapter of ISSUP Global.
ISSUP Gambia Chapter pada hari Jumat, 25 November meluncurkan kampanye kesadaran zat yang dijuluki "Don't Touch" untuk anak-anak kecil di TK dan Sekolah Dasar Sarah di Lamin, di Wilayah Pantai Barat Gambia.
ISSUP (K) will be hosting a roundtable discussion on ending the triple threat: HIV infections; Sexual and Gender-based Violence; and Adolescent Pregnancies to commemorate World Aids Day on 1st December 2022, from 6-8pm led by our chapter President Dr. 