Placebo Response and Media Attention in Randomized Clinical Trials Assessing Cannabis-Based Therapies for Pain A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Importance Persistent pain is a common and disabling health problem that is often difficult to treat. There is an increasing interest in medicinal cannabis for treatment of persistent pain; however, the limited superiority of...
Asosiasi Gangguan Obsesif-Kompulsif dan Gejala Obsesif-Kompulsif dengan Penyalahgunaan Zat dalam 2 Kohort Longitudinal di Swedia
Pentingnya Model neurobiologis telah mendalilkan mekanisme saraf bersama antara gangguan obsesif-kompulsif (OCD) dan gangguan penggunaan zat, tetapi hasil dari studi klinis dan epidemiologis bertentangan atau bahkan menunjukkan...
Patient perspectives on depot buprenorphine treatment for opioid addiction – a qualitative interview study
Recently developed buprenorphine depot injections have the potential to reduce risk for diversion and misuse, and to increase adherence with fewer visits for supervised intake. However, it is unclear how patients perceive this...
Efektivitas dunia nyata dari perawatan farmakologis gangguan penggunaan opioid dalam kelompok nasional
Untuk menyelidiki efektivitas dunia nyata dari perawatan farmakologis (buprenorphine, metadon) dari gangguan penggunaan opioid (OUD).
Sebuah studi kohort berbasis register di seluruh negeri.
Terapi berbasis internet versus terapi tatap muka untuk gangguan penggunaan alkohol, uji coba non-inferioritas terkontrol secara acak.
"Kotak Hitam" Pengobatan: Perspektif Pasien tentang Apa yang Bekerja dalam Perawatan Pemeliharaan Opioid Perawatan untuk Ketergantungan Opioid
Pengalaman staf menghadapi dan merawat pasien rawat jalan dengan gangguan penggunaan zat dalam konteks kejiwaan: studi kualitatif
Komorbiditas tinggi ada antara penyakit mental dan gangguan penggunaan zat (SUD). Pasien dalam psikiatri yang hidup dengan konsumsi alkohol atau narkoba yang bermasalah dapat mengalami rasa pengucilan, di mana mencari...
Sildenafil dan Bunuh Diri di Swedia
Banyak teori menegaskan bahwa keintiman seksual menopang kesehatan mental. Tes eksperimental teori semacam itu tetap langka dan belum memberikan bukti kuat karena kendala etika, praktis, dan budaya bias sampel dan hasil. Oleh...
Internet‐Based Therapy versus Face‐To‐Face Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Non‐Inferiority Trial
Background and aims
Most people with alcohol use disorder (AUD) are never treated. Internet‐based interventions are effective in reducing alcohol consumption and could help to overcome some of the barriers to people not seeking...
Reducing Risky Alcohol Use via Smartphone App Skills Training Among Adult Internet Help-Seekers: A Randomized Pilot Trial
Alcohol is one of the leading risk factors for global disease burden and overconsumption leads to a wide variety of negative consequences in everyday life. Digital interventions have shown small positive effects in contributing to...
Associations of Psychosocial Factors with Multiple Health Behaviors: A Population-Based Study of Middle-Aged Men and Women
Background: The health behaviors smoking, risky alcohol consumption, insufficient physical activity, and poor diet constitute the main contributors to non-communicable diseases. Clustering of risk behaviors is common and...
An Electronic Screening and Brief Intervention for Hazardous and Harmful Drinking Among Swedish University Students: Reanalysis of Findings From a Randomized Controlled Trial Using a Bayesian Framework
Background: Due to a resurgent debate on the misuse of P values, the Journal of Medical Internet Research is hosting a standing theme issue inviting the reanalysis of (primarily digital health) trial data using a Bayesian...
Effect of Tobacco Control Policies on the Swedish Smoking Quitline Using Intervention Time-Series Analysis
Objectives: To coherently examine the responsiveness of the Swedish National Tobacco Quitline (SNTQ) to different types of anti-smoking policies over an extended period of calendar time.
Design: Quasi-experimental design with an...
Changes in Alcohol Consumption after Treatment for Depression: A Secondary Analysis of the Swedish Randomised Controlled Study REGASSA
Objectives: Mental health problems and hazardous alcohol consumption often co-exist. Hazardous drinking could have a negative impact on different aspects of health and also negatively influence the effect of mental health...
Mengukur Motif Minum di Mahasiswa: Eksplorasi Kuesioner Motif Minum-Revisi pada Siswa Swedia
What is the Link Between Unemployment and Alcohol Use?
Youth unemployment has remained stable at a high-level in many countries over the past several decades.
Over the same period, evidence has emerged which suggests that unemployment can negatively affect an individual’s mental and physical...
Taking a Stand: An Untapped Strategy to Reduce Waterpipe Smoking in Adolescents
Waterpipe smoking (otherwise known as shisha, hookah, narghile, goza, and hubble bubble ) is an increasing global health concern with evidence suggesting particularly high prevalence amongst adolescents.
Despite clear evidence for the...
Alcohol and Older People
Status Imigrasi dan Kematian Terkait Gangguan Penggunaan Zat di Swedia
Tujuan: Imigran generasi pertama, di banyak negara, lebih sehat daripada rekan asli mereka. Studi ini meneliti hubungan antara status imigran generasi pertama dan kedua dan alkohol atau obat-obatan selain kematian terkait alkohol (terutama...
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