Youth Assessment Tool
This assessment tool can be used by any health and social services and programs that serve young people, including substance use services, mental health services, youth treatment services, harm reduction services, youth shelters, community...
Parent Guide- The Improving Treatment Together (ITT) Project
This handbook is a collection of shared experiences and stories to help other parents and caregivers find refuge, support and courage to reach out for help.
Whether your young person is experimenting with substances or has developed a...
Pencegahan Penggunaan Opioid Materi Pendidikan
Mid-America Addiction Technology Transfer Center (MATTC) bermitra dengan Jaringan Respons Opioid Komunitas Etnis di Missouri, Forum Kebijakan Kecanduan, dan Jaringan Respons Opioid (ORN di IA, KS, MO, dan NE) untuk menerjemahkan 5 produk...
Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crises: Settings in need of care for a comprehensive drug use prevention in Nigeria
School staff perceptions of the nature and consequences of students’ use of e-cigarettes
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the nature and consequences of student vaping in Australian primary and secondary schools by consulting staff working in these settings.
Methods: A national sample of 196 school...
Use of Electronic Cigarettes Among Cannabis-Naive Adolescents and Its Association With Future Cannabis Use
Importance Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use has been reported to increase the likelihood of future cigarette smoking among adolescents. The prospective association between e-cigarette use and cannabis use has been less...
Hubungan Paparan Prenatal terhadap Minum dan Merokok Ibu dengan Risiko Lahir Mati
Pentingnya Merokok prenatal adalah faktor risiko yang dapat dimodifikasi untuk lahir mati; Namun, kontribusi minum prenatal atau kombinasi merokok dan minum tidak pasti.
Tujuan : Untuk memeriksa apakah paparan prenatal terhadap...
Survei online cross-sectional tentang dampak peringatan kesehatan tembakau baru di Kolombia
Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dampak dari serangkaian baru enam peringatan bergambar yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 2018.
Desain dan pengaturan Menggunakan desain penampang, kami memeriksa kesadaran akan...
Combining the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) and Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) in a Master’s Degree in Addictions
The European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) and The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) are paradigms of the efforts to achieve an international standardised training for drug demand reduction. Both curricula are based on...
From Face-to-Face to Online Delivery: Training of Professionals in Evidence-Based Prevention
By disseminating the Universal Prevention Curriculums (UPC), the Colombo Plan (CP) seeks to narrow the gap between scientific knowledge on effective prevention of substance use and its application in the field. In 2020 CP...
Prevalensi penyakit mental serius komorbid dan gangguan penggunaan zat dalam populasi penjara: tinjauan sistematis dan meta-analisis
Mental Health and Related Factors Among Undergraduate Students During SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: Mental health problems among undergraduates are a significant public health concern. Most studies exploring mental health in this population during the pandemic have been conducted in high-income countries. Fewer studies come...
Trayectorias sanitarias durante 4 años de niños expuestos prenatalmente a cocaína y/o cannabis. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo en La Pampa, Argentina
El consumo de cocaína y/o cannabis durante el embarazo constituye un problema en ascenso, de importancia para la salud pública mundial. Los niños expuestos pueden presentar un amplio rango de complicaciones en el período perinatal...
Four-year health trajectories of children prenatally exposed to cocaine and/or cannabis. A retrospective, cohort study in La Pampa, Argentina
Cocaine and/or cannabis use during pregnancy is a growing problem of relevance for global public health. Exposed children may have a wide range of perinatal complications, but there is little knowledge on their course.
Building resilience in survivors of sexual exploitation: The role of children in activities implemented by NGOs in Uganda
Children are increasingly affected by sexual exploitation (SEC), and the subsequent hardships arising out threaten their lives. Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of trauma or other significant sources of...
Peer-facilitated treatment access for hepatitis C: The Live Hep C Free project
This article explores the lessons learned during the implementation of a peer-facilitated hepatitis C virus hepatitis C testing and treatment access project called the Live Hep C Free project in contributing to micro-elimination efforts.
Simultaneous Alcohol and Marijuana Use Among Young Adults: A Scoping Review of Prevalence, Patterns, Psychosocial Correlates, and Consequences
BACKGROUND: Alcohol and marijuana are commonly used by young adults, and use of both substances, particularly at the same time, is prevalent among this population. Understanding the prevalence, patterns, correlates, and...
Infeksi bakteri parah pada orang yang menyuntikkan obat: Peran kerusakan jaringan terkait injeksi
Dalam konteks epidemi penggunaan obat injeksi AS saat ini, strategi pengurangan bahaya kesehatan masyarakat yang ditargetkan secara tradisional berfokus pada pencegahan overdosis dan mengurangi penularan infeksi virus yang...
Sekolah dan obat-obatan: respons kesehatan dan sosial
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