Regional Evidence-Based Prevention Hub: A proposal to close quality gaps in prevention initiatives in the region
Brief Interventions to Selective and Indicative Prevention in Mental Health and Addictions
School Psychoactive Substance Use Prevention Intervention Quality Model
Developing and implementing a Drug reduce University Diploma for health practitioners in Uruguay: challenges and future directions
When, how, and why to adapt a preventive intervention: insights from the implementation science
Bridging the Gap: The Impact of Implementation Strategies for Universal Drug Use Prevention on Student Outcomes in Low-Income Areas
Enhancing prevention system in Greece: Lessons learnt and challenges
The Implementation of Two Evidence-Based Media-Based Prevention Campaigns developed during Claremont Graduate University’s Media-Based Prevention Science Advanced Certificate Program
Peer influences on substance use and mental health during adolescence
Presented by Dr Louise Birrell and Dr Jack Andrews, this webinar is for school staff, parents, and any health professionals interested in peer influences on substance use and mental health. In this webinar, they examine trends in...
"Pemasaran alkohol untuk orang LGBTQ+"
Tonton video webinar 'Alcohol Occasionals' SHAAP/SARN, yang diadakan melalui Zoom pada 24 Mei 2023: "Pemasaran alkohol kepada orang-orang LGBTQ+: Strategi yang berkembang untuk menargetkan identitas", oleh Dr David Whiteley .
Introduction to SAMHSA 4E’s Modern and Comprehensive Prevention System
SAMHSA recently introduced the 4 E’s as a “Modern and Comprehensive Prevention System” to support the work of prevention providers in States and communities.
The 4 E’s: Early Action, Easy Access, Equitable Opportunities and Effective...
Teens and substance use — what can parents do?
Objective: To help adults manage risks relating to adolescent substance use in line with evidence-based prevention principles.
Background: Smoking and drinking among 15–16-year-old school students are showing signs of decline, but there...
I had nothing, and drugs don’t leave”: Young offenders’ perspectives on Alcohol and Other Drugs (AoD)
This webinar looked at the contexts of young offenders’ alcohol and other drug use and the implications for harm reduction strategies.
The importance of multi-level interventions that move beyond ‘victim blaming’ and ‘individual...
Orang Muda dan Alkohol, Apa yang kita ketahui dan apa yang bisa kita lakukan?
Webinar ini diselenggarakan oleh Program Alkohol Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan HSE sebagai bagian dari Pekan Kesadaran Alkohol UE.
Panel pembicara akan membahas statistik seputar penggunaan alkohol di kalangan remaja dan orang muda di...
Menerapkan Kebijakan Tingkat Komunitas untuk Mencegah Penyalahgunaan Alkohol
Webinar ini menyoroti temuan dari panduan SAMHSA berjudul, Menerapkan Kebijakan Tingkat Komunitas untuk Mencegah Penyalahgunaan Alkohol, yang mengeksplorasi strategi berbasis bukti, tingkat komunitas untuk mencegah penyalahgunaan alkohol.
...Standar Internasional tentang pencegahan: Apa yang Harus Diketahui Sekolah
How to Inform Policy and Decision Makers About Evidence-Based Substance Use Policy and Prevention
How to Inform Policy and Decision Makers About Evidence-Based Substance Use Policy and Prevention.
Matej Košir
Evaluación de una iniciativa dirigida a mejorar la selección, implementación y evaluación de intervenciones de prevención del uso de sustancias psicoactivas en Las Américas
Resultados de un enfoque sistémico para orientar y monitorear la selección, implementación y evaluación de intervenciones preventivas en la región de América Latina con el fin de reducir el impacto del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas a...
Youth drinking in decline
Watch the video of the SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' webinar, held over Zoom on 20 April 2022: "Youth drinking in decline: Implications for policy and practice" by Dr Inge Kersbergen and Dr Laura Fenton from The University of Sheffield.
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