Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders.
Perawatan untuk penyalahgunaan narkoba dan alkohol harus melibatkan keluarga dan masyarakat
Alkohol dan perawatan obat lainnya umumnya hanya disediakan untuk individu, seringkali jauh dari keluarga mereka. Pengobatan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan mengurangi bahaya penggunaan narkoba dan keluarga serta masyarakat...
How alcohol consumption contributes to chronic pain
A team showed how both alcohol intake and alcohol withdrawal can lead to increased pain and hypersensitivity.
Chronic alcohol consumption may make people more sensitive to pain through two different molecular mechanisms -- one driven by...
National Drug Observatories from Latin American and Caribbean countries meet in Lisbon for ‘COPOLAD week’
National Drug Observatories (NDOs) from Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries are gathering in Lisbon from 22–26 May for a week of activities under the COPOLAD III programme.
The overarching theme of the initiative will be...
FDA Approves New Buprenorphine Treatment Option for Opioid Use Disorder
For Immediate Release: May 23, 2023
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Brixadi (buprenorphine) extended-release injection for subcutaneous use (under the skin) to treat moderate to severe opioid use disorder (OUD)...
Gangguan penggunaan zat: pembaruan komprehensif klasifikasi, epidemiologi, neurobiologi, aspek klinis, pengobatan dan pencegahan
Gangguan penggunaan zat (SUD) sangat lazim dan berdampak pada kesehatan, kesejahteraan, dan fungsi sosial individu. Perubahan jangka panjang dalam jaringan otak yang terlibat dalam penghargaan, fungsi eksekutif, reaktivitas stres...
Strategies to Address Cocaine and Methamphetamine
Presented by Richard Rawson, PhD, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science, UCLA School of Medicine and a Research Professor at the University of Vermont, this presentation provided an overview of the...
Kekuatan Karakter dan Pemulihan dari Kecanduan
UNODC supported delegations from four Central Asian countries in a high-level study tour to the United Kingdom
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) together with the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section (PTRS) organized a study tour for high-level representatives, including senior officials, policymakers and substance...
Buprenorfin versus metadon untuk pengobatan ketergantungan opioid
Ketergantungan opioid dikaitkan dengan beban kesehatan dan sosial yang substansial, dan pengobatan agonis opioid (OAT) sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan berbagai hasil bagi orang yang menerima perawatan ini. Metadon...
Implementation and workflow strategies for integrating digital therapeutics for alcohol use disorders into primary care: a qualitative study
Alcohol use disorders (AUD) are prevalent and often go untreated. Patients are commonly screened for AUD in primary care, but existing treatment programs are failing to meet demand. Digital therapeutics include...
Buprenorphine versus methadone for the treatment of opioid dependence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised and observational studies
Opioid dependence is associated with substantial health and social burdens, and opioid agonist treatment (OAT) is highly effective in improving multiple outcomes for people who receive this treatment. Methadone and buprenorphine are common...
Perbandingan Perawatan untuk Gangguan Penggunaan Kokain di Kalangan Orang Dewasa
Poin-poin penting
Pertanyaan: Perawatan apa untuk gangguan penggunaan kokain yang terkait dengan pengurangan obyektif dalam penggunaan kokain di kalangan orang dewasa?
Dalam meta-analisis dari 157 uji klinis yang terdiri dari 402...
Cocaine Reading List
Cocaine is an addictive stimulant drug that originates from the leaves of the coca plant, which is indigenous to South America. The drug's effects include heightened alertness, attention, and energy, as well as feelings of euphoria and...
Responding to stimulant use — developments in treatment
Objective: To better understand current developments in the treatment of stimulant use.
Background: Stimulant drugs are second only to cannabis as the most widely used class of illicit drug globally, accounting for 68 million past...
Exploring treatment barriers on the use of crystal methamphetamine among young people in Zimbabwe
Substance misuse among young people is one of the most public concerns in global health. This study set out to explore treatment barriers among young people in Zimbabwe.
Data was collected through interviews with 30 participants
Trends in Overdose and Other Drug-Induced Deaths in Australia
This report presents the most recent and in-depth data on overdose and drug-induced deaths in Australia, covering the period 2002 to 2021. It is the most recent output in a series of annual publications on trends in drug overdose deaths...
Penggunaan Zat Remaja dan Perilaku Risiko di Wilayah Mediterania
Kata pengantar
Dewan Eropa adalah organisasi hak asasi manusia terkemuka di benua itu. Ini terdiri dari 46 negara anggota, 27 di antaranya adalah anggota Uni Eropa. Semua negara anggota Dewan Eropa telah menandatangani Konvensi Eropa...
Report: Colloquium on “Responding to the nexus between adverse childhood experiences and drug use”
Paparan dini terhadap ganja dan konsekuensi jangka panjang di otak
Improving alcohol management in primary health care in Mexico
Alcohol screening, brief advice and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in primary health care is an effective strategy to decrease alcohol consumption at population level. However, there is relatively scarce evidence...
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