Akun Komparatif tentang Pertimbangan Etis dalam Praktik Psikologi Klinis
Latar Belakang: Praktek dalam psikologi klinis dirajut erat dengan kepercayaan dan membangun hubungan dengan klien. Kepercayaan ini didukung oleh serangkaian pertimbangan etis yang diusulkan oleh Kode Etik APA. Ini membantu untuk membangun...
Drug Cultures and Policy in Germany, Central Asia and China
This volume emerged from the 25th International Week at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The contributions it contains are based on papers that examine social work in the areas of drug use and treatment, HIV/AIDS and other...
Tidak ada tempat untuk alkohol murah: nilai potensial dari harga minimum untuk melindungi kehidupan
Wilayah Eropa WHO memiliki beberapa tingkat konsumsi alkohol tertinggi dan tingkat bahaya terkait alkohol yang sesuai di dunia. Kebijakan penetapan harga dan perpajakan adalah salah satu langkah paling efektif yang dapat...
Balance de una década de política de drogas: Avances y Retos
Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crises: Settings in need of care for a comprehensive drug use prevention in Nigeria
Denmark advises no alcohol consumption for under-18s
All young people aged under 18 have been advised not to drink alcohol in new guidelines issued by the Danish Health Authority.
The advice is part of new general Danish recommendations on alcohol consumption, the health authority said in...
Singapore expands smoking ban
Singapore’s Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE), Sentosa Development Corp. (SDC) and several statutory boards have announced that the country’s smoking ban is to be extended.
Under the new legislation, smoking will be...
Harga Unit Minimum alkohol di Skotlandia
Di sini Anda dapat membaca makalah pengarahan yang disusun oleh Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems yang meneliti harga satuan minimum di Skotlandia.
Makalah ini memberikan gambaran tentang:
- Bahaya alkohol di Skotlandia
- Apa...
Alkohol & Hak Asasi Manusia
Institut Studi Alkohol menyajikan Seminar Empat dalam seri empat bagian tentang alkohol dan keberlanjutan. Seminar Empat mengeksplorasi hak-hak pekerja untuk karyawan industri alkohol di negara berkembang; praktik industri di Afrika...
World Drug Report 2022
Costs of an Alcohol Measurement Intervention in Three Latin American Countries
Alcohol measurement in health care settings is an effective intervention for reducing alcohol-related harm. However, in many countries, costs related to alcohol measurement have not yet been transparently assessed, which may...
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Webinar Series
Various NPS have significantly changed the picture of drug use in different countries. They are now very prominent in the drug market. Indeed, many of these substances are intended to circumvent drug laws and are sold as ‘legal’...
Prevalensi penyakit mental serius komorbid dan gangguan penggunaan zat dalam populasi penjara: tinjauan sistematis dan meta-analisis
Zat Psikoaktif Baru (NPS): Pasar gelap dan kebijakan zat psikoaktif baru di kawasan Asia
Jamaica to update national drug policy
Novel Psychoactive Substances: Policy, Economics and Drug Regulation
In light of the recent emergence of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) on a global scale, this book provides a timely analysis of the social and economic impact of the NPS phenomenon, and of the global policy and regulatory responses to it...
Tren yang Muncul dalam Narkoba, Kecanduan, dan Kesehatan
Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health adalah jurnal internasional baru yang ditujukan untuk publikasi cepat makalah otoritatif tentang Zat Psikoaktif Novel (NPS), Kecanduan, dan fenomena kesehatan terkait.
Jurnal ini memiliki...
New psychoactive substances: A review and updates
New psychoactive substances (NPS) are a diverse group of substances that are linked with a number of health and social harms on an individual and societal level. NPS toxicity and dependence syndromes are recognised in primary care...
Peringatan Dini UNODC Penasihat tentang Zat Psikoaktif Baru
Munculnya sejumlah besar Zat Psikoaktif Baru yang cepat di pasar obat global menimbulkan risiko yang signifikan bagi kesehatan masyarakat dan tantangan bagi kebijakan narkoba. Seringkali, sedikit yang diketahui tentang efek kesehatan yang...
From harm to hope: A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives
Executive summary
The 10-year UK Government plan to combat illegal drugs sets out how we are doing more than ever to cut off the supply of drugs by criminal gangs and give people with a drug addiction a route to a productive and drug...
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