Addiction professionals from Central Asia enhanced knowledge on working with population with special clinical needs
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia held a Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Course 20 – “Populations with Special Clinical Needs” which took place in person in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on 23-27 October 2023. This course is a part...
Supporting displaced people from Afghanistan and host communities in neighbouring countries – UNODC regional workshop on drug use prevention, treatment and care
From 5th to 9th June, UNODC organized a hybrid regional workshop with a total of 42 participants from the government, civil society organizations (CSOs) and UN agencies, to assist the strengthening of evidence-based prevention, treatment...
Konsultasi Pemangku Kepentingan Negara tentang perlindungan anak
Konsultasi Pemangku Kepentingan Negara tentang Perlindungan Anak dengan tema "Anak Berkonflik dengan Hukum: Pencegahan, Keadilan Restoratif, Diversi, dan Alternatif untuk Penahanan" diselenggarakan oleh Komite Peradilan Anak, Pengadilan
...UNODC conducted Regional Training of Trainers on UTC 20 in Central Asia
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia in collaboration with Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, UNODC HQ held a Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on Course 20 – “Populations with Special Clinical Needs” which took place...
The 9th Anniversary of Ahsania Mission Women Drug Treatment Centre
Social stigma is the main obstacle for female substance users’ treatment.
Social stigma is the reason why females who use substances are unwilling to seek treatment. The rate of substance abuse among the female is frightfully increasing...
Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention in Schools, Colleges and Universities by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical College Rawalakot-AJK in Collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan, Pakistan Psychiatric Society AT
Seminar on “Psycho-Education about Drugs and Child Abuse” for Drug Use Prevention In Schools, Colleges, and Universities organized by Department of Psychiatry Poonch Medical Collage Rawalakot-AJK in collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan Chapter...
Penghargaan Ecolink menghormati dua wanita berprestasi
Ecolink Institute di India telah menghormati dua profesional wanita luar biasa yang terlibat dalam pencegahan dan pengelolaan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat, sehubungan dengan perayaan Hari Perempuan Internasional.
Odireleng Kasale, seorang...
Professionals of Centros de Integración Juvenil (CIJ) receive training in Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC)
During 2022, the Training of Trainers for the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC), which is promoted by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States (CICAD/OAS) and the International Society of...
Penggunaan Zat dalam Disforia Gender (Transgender) dan Kesehatan Mental mereka
Sebuah acara di sebuah LSM di Lahore diselenggarakan untuk mengatasi kesehatan mental dan penggunaan zat di antara mereka yang hidup dengan disforia gender. Mereka memiliki tantangan kompleks yang bervariasi dari intimidasi, pelecehan...
UNODC launched a Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme on the Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) Advanced Courses 9-15 in Pakistan
Training of trainers (TOT) tentang kesehatan mental untuk staf penjara
Misi Dhaka Ahsania (DAM) dan Direktorat Penjara Bangladesh bersama-sama menyelenggarakan ToT selama empat hari tentang kesehatan mental bagi petugas penjara dari 22-25 Agustus 2022, di ruang pertemuan Penjara Pusat Dhaka. Sebanyak 21...
Alumni Ecolink hormati Pelatih Global di Hari Perempuan Internasional
Alumni Ecolink menghormati pelatih global sebagai Wanita Terbaik Tahun Ini pada hari Perempuan.
Mangalore, India: Asosiasi Alumni Ecolink dengan lebih dari 200 siswa dari 18 negara menghormati pelatih Master-nya yang melatih lebih dari 250...
Discussion on Drug Abuse and Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Announcement!!! Announcement!!!
Youth Against Drug Abuse Foundation (YADAF) International In collaboration with SAIARD Council of World Youth Forum bring to you a Discussion about how drug abuse contribute to the increase rate of GBV...
Could a Telehealth Programme Improve Outcomes for Justice-Involved Women?
Evidence has shown that individuals released from prison are at greater risk of drug overdose in the first 2 weeks post-release compared to the general population. After a period of relative abstinence, the tolerance of people who use...
Main Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH) Reopens Treatment Services for Women and Children/Adolescents in New Block
Main Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH), Gujranwala, Pakistan reopens treatment & rehabilitation services for women and children/adolescents in a new twenty bed block.
This project was previously supported by Colombo Plan and INL.
This project...
Main Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH) Reopens Treatment Services for Women and Children/Adolescents in New Block
Main Afzal Trust Hospital (MATH), Gujranwala, Pakistan reopens treatment & rehabilitation services for women and children/adolescents in a new twenty bed block.
This project was previously supported by Colombo Plan and INL.
This project...
Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Observes International Women’s Day 2020
Reflecting the theme - “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women's Rights”, Ahsania Mission Female Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Center organized a human chain formation followed by a discussion meeting in collaboration with Dhaka...
Women and Children are the Emerging Face of Drug Addiction in Afghanistan
Q breaks into song, and the lyrics reflect something of himself: "My heart aches, my heart aches and my heart aches," he croons. The 10-year-old hopes to go professional one day, but his mother says that first, he has to break his addiction...
Mengangkat! "Pencegahan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan yang Hidup dengan Orang dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat
Angkat! "Pencegahan Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan yang Hidup dengan Orang dengan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat"
Terima kasih khusus kepada Institute of Clinical Psychology UoK, Pakistan US Alumni Network, Initiator Hdf SNYC, DFPF, Wajid Ali Rizwa...
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