Training of trainers (TOT) on mental health for prison staffs

Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) and Bangladesh Prison Directorate jointly organized a four-day long ToT on mental health for prison officials from 22-25 August 2022, in the meeting room of Dhaka Central Jail. A total of 21 participants participated in the training. The ToT was organized with the technical assistance from the 'Rule of Law' programme, GIZ Bangladesh and funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the British Government's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).
Mr. Subhash Kumar Ghosh, Senior Jail Superintendent of Dhaka Central Jail, was present as the chief guest at the opening ceremony of the training and he inaugurated and announced the training. Also present as special guests were Mr. Khan Mohammad Elyas, Sentence Planning Officer, 'Rule of Law' Programme, GIZ Bangladesh, Mr. Abu Taher, National Program Coordinator (Drugs and HIV/AIDS) of UNODC.
Speakers said, generally we give very little importance to mental health. However, Corona (COVID-19) has made us think a lot about mental health, so mental health should be taken very seriously along with physical health. Speakers advised all participants to give importance because; those who receive this training will later impart the same training to other trainees including inmates at their respective workplaces.
Under the 'Rule-of-Law' programme, a total of 729 (male-367 and female-362) prison officers and employees, women judicial officers and officers of the Department of Social Services had been successfully trained in mental health until this training.