Citra stigmatisasi untuk gangguan penggunaan zat
Stigma adalah penghalang pengobatan bagi individu dengan masalah penggunaan narkoba. Meskipun telah ada penelitian yang dilakukan mengeksplorasi dampak stigmatisasi bahasa, sedikit yang diketahui tentang efek stigmatisasi gambar.
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan ISSUP Nigeria (Sesi Kedelapan Belas)
Children and families affected by parental drug use
Kompetensi Keperawatan Kecanduan: Perangkat Komprehensif untuk Perawat Kecanduan
Dengan meningkatnya peran perawat dalam merawat pasien dengan kecanduan zat, ada kebutuhan yang jelas untuk mengembangkan Kompetensi Keperawatan Kecanduan untuk membimbing dan mendukung tenaga keperawatan.
Pencarian literatur...
The effects of the cost of living crisis on families and friends of someone with a substance use problem
The impact of addiction on family finances is multiple.
It is therefore no surprise to find that the cost of living crisis is causing additional difficulty and strain to families affected by substance use, adding further complexity to...
Faktor pendorong memfasilitasi penggunaan tramadol non-medis: studi kualitatif pemuda Nigeria
Latar Belakang: Makalah ini mengeksplorasi pendapat pemuda Nigeria mengenai alasan mereka di balik penggunaan tramadol untuk tujuan non-medis dan mempelajari preferensi mereka dalam memilih tramadol. Metode: Kami melakukan...
Journée mondiale de la drogue au Togo
Dans le cadre de la célébration du 26 juin ..
L'ONG RAPAA..a effectué un passage dans l'émission télévisée la Poz de la TVT avec la participation d'un membre du CNAD
Hier 26 juin l'ONG RAPAA a aussi animé une emission en langue Ewe...
Dukung. Jangan Menghukum Hari Aksi Internasional
Kampanye advokasi global yang menyerukan kebijakan narkoba berdasarkan kesehatan dan hak asasi manusia.
Dukung. Don't Punish adalah inisiatif global yang berpusat pada akar rumput untuk mendukung pengurangan dampak buruk dan kebijakan...
Hari Internasional Melawan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba dan Perdagangan Gelap
Pengajuan video Grenada untuk memperingati Hari Internasional Melawan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba dan Perdagangan Gelap.
Practical Guide for Implementing a Trauma-Informed Approach
The guide specifically focuses on tools and strategies for implementing a trauma-informed approach. This guide highlights the need for organizational assessment of readiness and capacity before implementing trauma-informed approach and...
The fourth European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies took place in Lisbon from 23–25 November 2022.
Under the overarching theme of Global Addictions, LxAddictions22 showcased cutting-edge research to help characterise...
The ASPIRE Standards: Taking a Step Towards Quality Assurance in Drug Prevention in France – A Case Study
INTRODUCTION: In the favourable political climate of the mid-2010s, the standards for Assessment & Selection of Prevention programmes Issued from the Review of EDPQS (ASPIRE) were developed to support project planning in drug prevention.
...National Implementation of Quality Standards in Prevention and Treatment Services for Substance Use/ Addictions – A Case Study of Cyprus
INTRODUCTION: The Cyprus National Addictions Authority (NAAC) is the main coordinating body for all matters related to licit and illicit substances as well as pathological gambling in Cyprus and it is responsible, inter alia, for the...
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Quality Standards in Lithuania 1992–2022: From Grassroots Initiatives to Nationwide Strategies
BACKGROUND: The implementation of quality standards in the treatment of substance use disorders in Lithuania is not well documented in the literature. AIMS: To describe the process of the development of quality standards from grassroots...
Stress and substance use among sexual and gender minority individuals
Sexual and gender minority individuals face marked disparities in substance use.
This narrative review explores research on substance use in sexual and gender minority communities. The authors define the sexual and gender minority...
The social context of drinking among LGBT+ people
Professor Carol Emslie and David Barbour discuss research on gender, identity and drinking, and the disproportionate impact of substance use in the LGBT+ community.
Stress, Coping, and Context: Examining Substance Use Among LGBTQ Young Adults With Probable Substance Use Disorders
In this research, the authors explored how lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) young adults with problematic substance use made sense of their substance use in relation to their LGBTQ identities.
The authors...
LGBTQ+ Orang dan Alkohol
Pengarahan ini memberikan ringkasan konsumsi alkohol, bahaya alkohol, perawatan alkohol, dan kesenjangan pengetahuan tentang penggunaan alkohol di antara orang-orang LGBTQ+.
Ini menggunakan akronim LGBTQ + untuk memasukkan lesbian, gay...
Penggunaan Zat dalam Komunitas LGBTQ+: Daftar Bacaan
Bulan Kebanggaan Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Transgender, dan Queer (LGBTQ+) dirayakan setiap tahun selama bulan Juni. Di sini Anda dapat menemukan daftar sumber daya dan penelitian tentang topik penggunaan narkoba di antara komunitas LGBTQ+.
...Laporan Obat Eropa 2023: Tren dan Perkembangan
Laporan Obat Eropa 2023: Tren dan Perkembangan menyajikan analisis terbaru EMCDDA tentang situasi obat di Eropa. Berfokus pada penggunaan obat-obatan terlarang, bahaya terkait dan pasokan obat-obatan, laporan ini berisi serangkaian data...
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