Public health
The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns.
Combining the European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) and Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) in a Master’s Degree in Addictions
The European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) and The Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC) are paradigms of the efforts to achieve an international standardised training for drug demand reduction. Both curricula are based on...
‘Ten Years Later’ – Developing Institutional Mechanisms for Drug Demand Reduction and Addictology Education in Georgia – A Case Study
During the last ten years, Georgia made several important accomplishments in responding to the country’s drug problem. Specifically, in 2011, an interagency national drug coordinating body was established within the Ministry...
Adaptasi Kurikulum Perawatan Universal dengan Konteks Filipina dan Lingkungan Online
Kurikulum Perawatan Universal (UTC) ditawarkan kepada komunitas akademik untuk mengintegrasikan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan praktik berbasis bukti khusus penggunaan zat ke dalam pengembangan profesional berkelanjutan dari...
Accreditation of Study Programs on Addictions in Nigerian Universities: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Need for Advocacy
Access to drug treatment services in Nigeria remains low due to a severe shortage in the drug treatment workforce. Plans are underway to address the workforce shortage by introducing drug addiction training programs in...
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Webinar Series
Various NPS have significantly changed the picture of drug use in different countries. They are now very prominent in the drug market. Indeed, many of these substances are intended to circumvent drug laws and are sold as ‘legal’...
Sorotan dari Laporan Obat Dunia UNODC 2022: Implikasi untuk pencegahan, pengobatan, dan respons perawatan obat
ISSUP mempresentasikan webinar pada hari Kamis, 7 Juli 2022, menampilkan Giovanna Campello, Kepala Bagian Pencegahan, Perawatan dan Rehabilitasi, Kantor PBB untuk Narkoba dan Kejahatan (UNODC) yang menyajikan sorotan dari Laporan Obat...
Prevalensi penyakit mental serius komorbid dan gangguan penggunaan zat dalam populasi penjara: tinjauan sistematis dan meta-analisis
Zat Psikoaktif Baru (NPS): Pasar gelap dan kebijakan zat psikoaktif baru di kawasan Asia
Guidance on the Clinical Management of Acute and Chronic Harms of Club Drugs and Novel Psychoactive Substances
This document provides guidance on the clinical management of harms resulting from acute intoxication and from the harmful and dependent use of club drugs and Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS).
This is an extensive and comprehensive...
Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances: What Clinicians Should Know about NPS
Handbook of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges that clinicians face when dealing with NPS and discusses how the profile of patients and their socio-demographic characteristics frame the...
Novel Psychoactive Substances: Policy, Economics and Drug Regulation
In light of the recent emergence of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) on a global scale, this book provides a timely analysis of the social and economic impact of the NPS phenomenon, and of the global policy and regulatory responses to it...
Tren yang Muncul dalam Narkoba, Kecanduan, dan Kesehatan
Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health adalah jurnal internasional baru yang ditujukan untuk publikasi cepat makalah otoritatif tentang Zat Psikoaktif Novel (NPS), Kecanduan, dan fenomena kesehatan terkait.
Jurnal ini memiliki...
New psychoactive substances: A review and updates
New psychoactive substances (NPS) are a diverse group of substances that are linked with a number of health and social harms on an individual and societal level. NPS toxicity and dependence syndromes are recognised in primary care...
Peringatan Dini UNODC Penasihat tentang Zat Psikoaktif Baru
Munculnya sejumlah besar Zat Psikoaktif Baru yang cepat di pasar obat global menimbulkan risiko yang signifikan bagi kesehatan masyarakat dan tantangan bagi kebijakan narkoba. Seringkali, sedikit yang diketahui tentang efek kesehatan yang...
Zat psikoaktif baru (NPS)
Zat psikoaktif baru (NPS) didefinisikan sebagai 'obat narkotika atau psikotropika baru, dalam bentuk murni atau dalam persiapan, yang tidak dikendalikan oleh konvensi obat Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, tetapi yang dapat...
International Collaboration Activities: Which role for ECMAPS in tackling global health challenges? - Sophia Achab, Day 5, 11:00-12:31
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 16th May, 2022
- International Collaboration Activities: Which role for ECMAPS in tackling global health challenges...
The Effectiveness of Telemedicine to Prevent Relapse among a Clinical Sample of Substance-Use Disorder Patients: an Experience from a Developing Country during the COVID-19 Pandemic - Kristiana Siste, MD, PhD, Day 5, 11:00-12:31
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 16th May, 2022
- The Effectiveness of Telemedicine to Prevent Relapse among a Clinical Sample of Substance-Use...
Irregular Migration and Drug Trafficking: Assessing the Prevalence among Identified Female Migrant Returnees in Nigeria - Daniel Ikenna Molobe, Day 4, 15:30-16:57
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022
- Irregular Migration and Drug Trafficking: Assessing the Prevalence among Identified Female Migrant...
The Hidden Costs of Big Tobacco
The devastating impact of tobacco on the health of users is well known. In addition to the negative effects for the individual, there are significant economic and environmental consequences, which need to be considered when developing...
Innovative approach for smartphone applications to share trustworthy information on parenting and family skills – the scaling of Children Immunization App (CIMA) in Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa - Dr. Ziad El-Khatib, Day 4, 11:00-12:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022
Innovative approach for smartphone applications to share trustworthy information on parenting and...
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