
Pengantar Wawancara Motivasi: Cara Menjadi

ISSUP Afrika Selatan dengan hormat mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan webinar mendatang tentang Pengantar Wawancara Motivasi: Cara Menjadi.

Substance Use Disorders and Oral Health

ISSUP South Africa cordially invites you to join its upcoming two part webinar series on Substance Use Disorders and Oral Health

Panda - Teman digital yang sempurna di jalan menuju pemulihan

ISSUP Afrika Selatan ingin mengundang Anda ke Webinar mereka di Panda - Pendamping digital yang sempurna di jalan menuju pemulihan.

The Language of Stigma and Substance Use Disorder

ISSUP would like to invite you to the First Session in the Webinar Series on Stigma and Substance Use. The First Session will be hosted by ISSUP South Africa, with support from ISSUP UK, on the topic of 'The Language of Stigma and Substance Use Disorder'.

Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)-SA: Implementasi, Hasil, dan Implikasinya terhadap Kebijakan

ISSUP Afrika Selatan, ITTC-SA dan SAMRC - GATS-SA, ingin mengundang Anda ke Seri Webinar mereka yang akan datang tentang Penggunaan Tembakau di Afrika Selatan. Ini adalah Sesi Kedua.

Survei Tembakau Dewasa Global (GATS)-SA: Implementasi, Hasil, dan Implikasi untuk Kebijakan

ISSUP Afrika Selatan, ITTC-SA dan SAMRC - GATS-SA, ingin mengundang Anda ke Seri Webinar mendatang tentang Penggunaan Tembakau di Afrika Selatan. Ini adalah Sesi Pertama.

Recovery is Possible: Defining Recovery in terms of abstinence-based treatment and Opioid substitution therapy

ISSUP South Africa would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar on Defining Recovery in terms of abstinence-based treatment and Opioid substitution therapy.

Forum Praktisi Kecanduan 2022 (1 – 2 JULI)

Dewan Nasional Afrika Selatan tentang Alkoholisme dan Ketergantungan Narkoba (SANCA) yang merupakan organisasi tuan rumah ISSUP Afrika Selatan baru-baru ini menyelenggarakan konferensi inovatif kelas dunia lainnya yang dijuluki Forum Praktisi Kecanduan 2022 (APF) dengan tema "Mengungkap Pengobatan Gangguan Penggunaan Zat".

Addiction Practitioners Forum 2022: Registration now open!

Substance-Use-Disorder (SUD) professionals often find themselves immersed in their work and as a consequence may not notice the ground-breaking developments which are happening around us. As initial-contact and


ISSUP South Africa launched at ADDICTION 2021

On Thursday 22nd of July 2021 it was an honour to welcome attendees to the formal launch of ISSUP South Africa, held during the ADDICTION 2021 Virtual Conference.

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If you have any news, research, publications or events to share from your work or your country, please add to the ISSUP Knowledge Share. This will ensure that this information reaches both the international community and your national colleagues. Thank you!

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