
ISSUP South Africa was launched on September 5th, 2018 to encourage the collaboration of research and updates on best practice within the field of substance use prevention,
ISSUP Brazil was formally launched at the 5th Freemind International Congress that took place in São Paulo, Brazil from September 19 to 22, 2018. Around 1500 national and international experts in substance use prevention,
Are you based in Europe and would you like to support the development of next year's ISSUP Workshop programme?
We're excited to announce that applications for the ISSUP Award are now open! 
A fine giugno ISSUP ha partecipato a due importanti incontri a Londra, che hanno condiviso spazi e conoscenze!
L'ultima conferenza di divulgazione UPC-Adapt (30 novembre) in collaborazione con l'Accademia OEDT/REITOX (28-29 novembre) sulla prevenzione si terrà a Praga (Repubblica ceca).
The ISSUP staff team met in June to discuss the coming months and updates to the website. The ISSUP team works remotely in different locations internationally so it is great to come together face-to-face to work on big developments and nuanced tasks. 
La scorsa settimana Joanna Travis-Roberts ha partecipato alla terza conferenza ICUDDR a San Diego, USA. L'evento dell'International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) ha riunito una serie di rappresentanti di università di tutto il mondo che stanno conducendo o sono interessati a condurre studi sulle dipendenze. Tra i partecipanti c'erano studenti, professionisti, responsabili politici e personale universitario.
At the beginning of June ISSUP staff attended the Trainer Development Task Force Meeting in Washington, DC. A number of experts came together to discuss the development of a trainer recruitment and skills development model for healthcare professionals interested in or currently working in the substance use prevention or