
In order to commemorate the International Day against
ISSUP Botswana would like to invite you to attend their Webinar on Continuum of Care in Recovery.
ISSUP Chile ha presentato un webinar su "Effetti dell'uso di cannabis fumata negli adolescenti in età scolare".
In this issue, you will find information on CIJ's participation in the 72nd Regular Session of CICAD/OAS, CIJ's representation at the CND forum "Improving Availability and Access to Controlled Medicines", CIJ's presentation at the 24th Congress of the Spanish Society of Dual Pathology; as well as CIJ's attendance at the ISSUP National Chapters Meeting and training for CIJ staff at the INEP workshop coordinated by ISSUP Global.
La Cámara de Diputados de la República del Paraguay en su sesión ordinaria realizada el 12 de abril de 2023, en uso de sus atribuciones conferidas por la Constitución Nacional y las normativas legales y reglamentarias, aprobó el Proyecto de Declaración N˚ 1219, mediante la cual, Declara de Interés Nacional las actividades que serán desarrolladas por la Sociedad Internacional de Profesionales del Uso de Sustancias, Capítulo Paraguay (ISSUP, Capítulo Paraguay).
ISSUP India Chapter has effectively organized a three-day training program for Master trainers on the NAVCHETNA Module. The primary objective of this training was to enhance awareness and deliver education on life skills and drugs to students in schools.
ISSUP India in collaborazione con il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (MoE) e il Ministero della Giustizia Sociale e dell'Empowerment (MSJE) del Governo indiano ha sviluppato un modulo di risorse per la formazione degli insegnanti chiamato "NAVCHETNA: una nuova coscienza sulle competenze di vita e l'educazione alla droga per i bambini in età scolare".
Our second newsletter of May 2023 features an update from the Rome Consensus 2.0 Summit, a new Cocaine Reading List, and lots more.
ISSUP Kenya would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar on Insights from Positive Psychology and Psychology of Religion as applied to treatment and recovery from addiction.
The latest ISSUP newsletter features updates on prevention, treatment research, and global efforts to address substance use disorders.