
Baluchistan Youth Convention was organized by Kuchlak Welfare Society and Youth Forum Pakistan (for drug use prevention), in collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan and Anti-Narcotics Force Baluchistan on 14th October, 2020 at Noori Naseer Cultural Complex, Quetta-Baluchistan.
Free Medical and Mental Health Camp was organized by ISSUP Pakistan, Youth Forum Pakistan’s team Sukkur & Youth Forum Pakistan’s Team Karachi and Al-Shakoor Mental Health Clinic (Al-Shakoor Foundation) with the collaboration of Saqib Rose Academy, Mental Health & Education Center, BMDRC, and Al-Shareef Foundation on October 11th at Sukkur-Sindh.
ISSUP Kenya in collaborazione con il PCEA ha diplomato la prima coorte di tirocinanti del corso base UTC: un totale di 30 partecipanti. La cerimonia presso l'ospedale della missione Kikuyu è stata onorata dal Governatore della Contea di Kiambu, Sua Eccellenza James Nyoro, Nel prossimo SG del PCEA, Rev. Dr. Waihenya, Il CEO dell'ospedale Kikuyu Dr. P.Kimpiatu. Altri funzionari presenti includevano il Rev. Dr. W. Kogo, l'esecutivo ISSUP Kenya Dr.
ISSUP Kenya was pleased to participate in this years World Mental Health Day in partnership with Chiromo Mental Hospital and APA Insurance Company. Over 100 participants joined the webinar on Substance Use Disorders: Role of family & colleagues in the workplace. 
ISSUP Argentina ti invita a partecipare a un webinar in cui verrà affrontato il colloquio motivazionale. Concetto e progressi nell'affrontare le situazioni legate alla droga. Il webinar si svolgerà venerdì 23 ottobre 2020 alle ore 10:00 a.m. (ora argentina).
Como Directorio hemos seguido trabajando para generar contenidos que sean un aporte para nuestra comunidad ISSUP. Desde hace ya varios meses tenemos reuniones de trabajo cada 15 días, en las que, además de ir resolviendo asuntos contingentes, hemos ido analizando los resultados de los conversatorios realizados entre julio y agosto.
Yayasan Abhipraya (Abhipraya Foundation) sebagai organisasi nonprofit yang bergerak di bidang pencegahan dan penanganan adiksi Napza di Indonesia bermaksud menjawab kebutuhan mengenai perubahan kebijakan dan tantangan bidang adiksi dan kesehatan mental di era pandemi dengan menyelenggarakan sebuah webinar kesehatan pada tanggal 5 Oktober 2020 dengan topik: Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health, and Covid 19 Pandemic: Changes and Challenges, dengan pembicara:  
L'International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) terrà la sua prima conferenza educativa virtuale tra il 4 ottobre e il 31 ottobre.
ONE DAY WORKSHOP ON COUNSELLING SKILLS (Motivational Interviewing, Self-Disclosure) Was organized by Dr. Rehab Clinic International and Youth Forum Pakistan (For Drug Use Prevention) in collaboration with ISSUP Pakistan, Nishan Rehab and Subhan Medical Trust Islamabad on dated 27th September, 2020 at Doctor Rehab Clinic International, Bani Gala Islamabad-Pakistan.
El pasado jueves 1 de octubre, se realizó el 3° encuentro de intercambio y fortalecimiento de la red de equipos técnicos de unidades penales de diferentes provincias Argentinas, que hemos conformado desde ISSUP Argentina.