Quality Assurance
The application and integration of the best available research, clinical expertise, quality marks and patient preferences to ensure high-quality care in substance use disorders services.
Psychoactive Prescription Drug Abuse: Selected Psychological Symptoms and Quality of Life in Addiction Treatment. Study Protocol
BACKGROUND: The abuse of psychoactive prescription drugs has become increasingly common in the Czech Republic. These drugs include sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics (benzodiazepines and Z-hypnotics), and opioids. Patients with an addiction...
Costruire la resilienza e riprendersi dalla battuta d'arresto nella ripresa: la prospettiva PEER
Profiles of quality of outpatient care use, associated sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and adverse outcomes among patients with substance-related disorders
This study identified patient profiles in terms of their quality of outpatient care use, associated sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and adverse outcomes based on frequent emergency department (ED)...
Correlates of treatment engagement and client outcomes: results of a randomised controlled trial of nabiximols for the treatment of cannabis use disorder
There is increasing interest and evidence for the use of cannabinoid medications in the treatment of cannabis use disorder, but little examination of the correlates of successful treatment. This paper is a secondary...
Black girls and referrals: racial and gender disparities in self-reported referral to substance use disorder assessment among justice-involved children
There is a higher prevalence of substance use disorder (SUD) among justice-involved children (JIC). It is critical to ensure that JIC who report current use are referred for SUD assessment and potentially life-saving treatment...
Interruzioni del ruolo della sanità pubblica locale degli Stati Uniti nella prevenzione e nella risposta all'uso di sostanze in base alla popolazione durante il COVID-19
Il COVID-19 ha limitato drasticamente la portata e la portata del lavoro del dipartimento sanitario locale (LHD), reindirizzando le risorse alla risposta. Tuttavia, la necessità di servizi sanitari pubblici essenziali, compresa la...
Experiences of frontline healthcare workers and their views about support during COVID-19 and previous pandemics: a systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis
Healthcare workers across the world have risen to the demands of treating COVID-19 patients, potentially at significant cost to their own health and wellbeing. There has been increasing recognition of the potential mental...
Sostenere il governo del Pakistan nei suoi sforzi per garantire un trattamento e una cura standardizzati, adeguati e basati sull'evidenza della tossicodipendenza
L'UNODC, in collaborazione con il Ministero del Controllo degli Stupefacenti (MoNC) e il Ministero della Regolamentazione e del Coordinamento dei Servizi Sanitari Nazionali (MoNHSR&C) e con il generoso sostegno degli Stati Uniti / INL...
I responsabili politici nazionali e le principali parti interessate in Kirghizistan migliorano le loro conoscenze sul sistema di controllo della qualità del sistema di disturbo da uso di droghe attraverso la formazione dell'UNODC
L'Ufficio regionale dell'UNODC per l'Asia centrale (ROCA) ha condotto una formazione nazionale "UNODC Drug Use Disorder Treatment Systems Quality Assurance (QA)" che si è svolta a Bishkek, in Kirghizistan, il 28-30 novembre 2022.
INL DDR Partners Call - Garanzia di qualità
Questo mese, il 9 novembre 2022, l'incontro dei partner DDR dell'International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) ha offerto una discussione sulla garanzia della qualità e ha incluso due presentazioni:
- Miglioramento della...
General Principles of Contingency Management for Smoking Cessation
Contingency management (CM) is a psychological treatment based on operant conditioning. It consists of providing incentives in exchange for achieving a target behaviour such as abstinence or other treatmentrelated variables (e.g. session...
Effetti di un breve promemoria telefonico pre-ricovero sui tassi di mancata presentazione e abbandono nel trattamento del disturbo da uso di sostanze: uno studio quasi sperimentale
La mancata presentazione dell'appuntamento e l'abbandono precoce del trattamento rappresentano le principali sfide nel trattamento ambulatoriale dei disturbi da uso di sostanze, influenzando negativamente i risultati clinici...
Interdisciplinary collaboration in the treatment of alcohol use disorders in a general hospital department: a mixed-method study
In somatic health care settings, interdisciplinary collaborations (where various disciplines work coordinated and interdependently toward shared goals) are considered to yield higher team effectiveness than multidisciplinary...
Perspectives of service providers on aftercare service provision for persons with substance use disorders at a Rural District in South Africa
Aftercare programs for people with substance use disorders (PWSUD) are frequently challenged with a number of overlapping obstacles, including uncertain policy consequences and a lack of resources. Despite demographic variety...
Further enhancing the implementation of quality standards in drug demand reduction across Europe
Project update
This event, offered in a hybrid format, was attended by 68 participants –53 in person and 15 online—who presented and discussed initiatives on prevention...
Profilo di qualità della vita dei pazienti sottoposti a trattamento di mantenimento con metadone a Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Obiettivo: Determinare la qualità della vita correlata alla salute (HRQoL) dei pazienti in trattamento di mantenimento con metadone a Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Soggetto e metodi: Uno studio trasversale è stato condotto su 967 pazienti in...
Webinar bimestrale: Serie di aggiornamento delle conoscenze ISSUP Nigeria (tredicesima sessione)
ISSUP Nigeria vorrebbe invitarti a partecipare al loro prossimo webinar bimestrale nella serie di aggiornamento delle conoscenze. L'argomento del webinar sarà Oltre la dipendenza: disturbi indotti dall'alcol.
Obiettivi formativi:
• ...
Keynote Speakers - WHO & UNODC and ICQ Official Launch, Day 2, Track 1, 08:00-09:00
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 13th May, 2022
- Keynote WHO - Dr Vladimir Poznyak MD, PhD
- Keynote UNODC - Giovanna Campello
- ICQ Official...
Drug Policy, Day 1, Track 1, 11:00-12:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 12th of May,2022
- Advocacy! Making Your Voice Known for Drug Demand Reduction - US. Senator Mattie Hunter
- Dev...
Patient perspectives on depot buprenorphine treatment for opioid addiction – a qualitative interview study
Recently developed buprenorphine depot injections have the potential to reduce risk for diversion and misuse, and to increase adherence with fewer visits for supervised intake. However, it is unclear how patients perceive this...
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