Emergency Resources
Tools and strategies to respond to acute substance use emergencies or population-wide crises affecting substance use.
In Loving Memory of Jeff Lee
Trends of Buprenorphine Prescribing for Opioid Dependence Before, and During the Early and Later Part of the COVID-19: A Study from a Large Publicly-Funded Opioid Agonist Treatment Services in India
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted how people access medications for opioid dependence. Researchers looked at monthly changes in several factors related to buprenorphine/naloxone (BNX) treatment over 56 months, including before...
Alcohol consumption during COVID-19 in Latin America according to age and employment situation
This research evaluated alcohol consumption in the Latin American and Latin Caribbean adult population during COVID-19 confinement, taking into account age and employment status. Non-probabilistic design with convenience sampling, with a...
The COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Changes in Preference and Behaviour Regarding Selected Anabolic Androgenic Substances and Steroids – A Comparative Study
BACKGROUND: The SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) and the ensuing global public health emergency situation have led to restrictions, changes, and measures in the daily life of society as a whole. The situation culminated in a global pandemic. A...
Knowledge and Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Young Adults in the United Arab Emirates, Particularly during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Abstract: (1) Background: The popularity of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) has recently increased. Although they are less harmful than regular cigarettes, they still cause health consequences and their use for smoking cessation is...
Uso di sostanze tra le fasi iniziali e successive della pandemia di COVID 19 in Israele
Solo diversi studi empirici hanno esaminato l'uso di sostanze durante la pandemia di COVID-19 nella popolazione generale. La maggior parte di questi studi ha confrontato l'uso di sostanze auto-dichiarate prima della pandemia e durante...
ISAM Webinar Series on COVID-19 and Substance Use Disorders: : A Global Perspective on Challenges and Solutions
As you all know, the current COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected various populations globally. The International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) believes that the impact of this pandemic on people struggling with Substance Use...
Resilience in Leadership: Key Behaviors for Self-Care and Caring for Others
Interruzioni del ruolo della sanità pubblica locale degli Stati Uniti nella prevenzione e nella risposta all'uso di sostanze in base alla popolazione durante il COVID-19
Il COVID-19 ha limitato drasticamente la portata e la portata del lavoro del dipartimento sanitario locale (LHD), reindirizzando le risorse alla risposta. Tuttavia, la necessità di servizi sanitari pubblici essenziali, compresa la...
Experiences of frontline healthcare workers and their views about support during COVID-19 and previous pandemics: a systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis
Healthcare workers across the world have risen to the demands of treating COVID-19 patients, potentially at significant cost to their own health and wellbeing. There has been increasing recognition of the potential mental health...
Interruzioni del ruolo della sanità pubblica locale degli Stati Uniti nella prevenzione e nella risposta all'uso di sostanze basate sulla popolazione durante COVID-19
L'emergenza COVID-19 ha messo alla prova le infrastrutture sanitarie, mediche e di pubblica sicurezza degli Stati Uniti (USA) in modi senza precedenti. Come punto focale per la salute pubblica nelle loro comunità, i dipartimenti...
"La situazione della salute mentale, la violenza contro le donne nel contesto della pandemia post-COVID19" progressi, sfide e sfide
Evento della Giornata mondiale contro l'AIDS 2022: sfide e prospettive dalla pratica del trattamento SUD
In riconoscimento della Giornata Mondiale contro l'AIDS, ISSUP Italia desidera invitarvi a partecipare al loro prossimo webinar.
Prima presentazione: Le sfide post COVID-19 AIDS
Verranno descritte le caratteristiche dell'infezione da...
War: Psychological Skills for Surviving and Coping with Traumatic Events
ISSUP Ukraine and ITTC-Ukraine jointly held an initiative dedicated to the ongoing war and the horrific events that resulted from Russian's attack on Ukraine. Ukrainians are currently experiencing extremely traumatic events that will have a...
Dolore: aiutare qualcun altro all'indomani della perdita
Sulla scia di una perdita, può essere difficile prendersi cura di coloro a cui tieni che sono in lutto. Come per la cura di sé, ci sono molti modi possibili per offrire supporto a qualcuno che è in lutto e una varietà di fattori che...
Grief: Taking Care of Yourself in the Aftermath of Loss
This factsheet, published by the National Centre for PTSD, discusses the ways in which we can engage in self-care in the wake of loss.
The factsheet provides an overview of grief and some of the theories and processes that are associated...
DESK REVIEW: Support for People with Substance Use Disorder in Ukraine During the War
War in Ukraine has inevitably led to the country's health system functioning at reduced capacity. Attacks near hospitals and active military operations force people to change their place of residence and flee from the war to safer...
Reorganisation of Substance Use Treatment and Harm Reduction Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Survey
Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted people with substance use disorders (SUDs) worldwide, and healthcare systems have reorganized their services in response to the pandemic.
Methods: One week after the...
Cambiamenti nei comportamenti legati alla cessazione del fumo tra gli adulti statunitensi durante la pandemia di COVID-19
Punti chiave
Domanda : I comportamenti legati alla cessazione del fumo sono cambiati durante la pandemia di COVID-19 negli Stati Uniti?
Questo studio trasversale condotto su 788.008 fumatori adulti statunitensi ha rilevato che la...
War - Psychological skills for surviving (coping with) traumatic events: Priority assistance to the military
ISSUP in collaboration with the University of California San Diego, Department of Psychiatry, International Technology Transfer Center - Ukraine, and ISSUP Ukraine National Chapter welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the...
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