Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 3 August 2022
In July 2022 ISSUP staff travelled to Argentina to meet colleagues, take part in the launch of a new master's course and conduct on-site visits ahead of the 2023 Regional Conference.
Introducción Según el último Informe Mundial sobre las Drogas publicado por la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC, por sus siglas en inglés) correspondiente al año 2022, alrededor de 284 millones de personas de entre 15 y 64 años consumieron drogas en todo el mundo en...
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 18th May, 2022
National Chapter Argentina
National Chapters
Each National Chapter showcases its work, highlights the work of other national organisations and discusses issues of importance related to Substance Use Disorder prevention, treatment and recovery support in their country.
Actualmente бар consenso en relación a que cuando un fenómeno se expaide en forma epidémica, бар факторлар de causación social que lo determinan, razón por la cual, la magnitud poblacional del instocias de ser comprendida y abordada desde...
ISSUP Mexico held a discussion on Wednesday, June 29 at 11:00 a.m. Mexico City time, in commemoration of the International Day to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.
Mexico's National Institute of Psychiatry, "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz" began editing its official publication in 1977, "Salud Mental", which is currently indexed in: WoS, ScopuS, Academic Search Premier, SciELO, PsycINFO, IMBIOMED, RedALyC, LILACS, DIALNET, Latindex, and the Sistema de Clasificación de Revistas Mexicanas de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT).
Manuscripts submitted to "Salud Mental" go through a process that follows scientific publishing ethical policies. The Internal Review Board selects papers suitable for publication that must undergo a second double-blinded review by experts...
The Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (ES-CICAD) is seeking expressions of interest from experts in the field of alternatives to incarceration and social integration to be trained as Master Trainers for the delivery of the Case Care Management curriculum internationally. Upon successful completion of the Training of Trainers, these Master Trainers will be included on the Case Care Management roster of trainers and can be contacted to deliver the training when scheduled. If interested, please submit your resume and relevant...
EUSPR 2022 are pleased to announce that the 13th EUSPR Conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia on 29th and 30th September 2022, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the pre-conference day, September 28th.
Есiрткi заттары жөнiндегi комиссия жақын арада басталады! Шын мәнінде, ертең, дүйсенбі, 14 наурыз 2022 жыл.
Тағы да барлық сессиялар, сондай-ақ бүйірлік іс-шаралар пандемияға байланысты онлайн режимінде өткізілуі тиіс. Бұл туралы жақсы нәрсе дегенді білдіреді, сіз әлі де пленарлық отырыстар мен бүйірлік іс-шараларды бақылай аласыз! Сондықтан барлық сілтемелердің бір жерде болуын бағалай аласыз деп ойладық.
Hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial designs have become increasingly prevalent in implementation research. As hybrid designs enter their second decade of widespread use, the Frontiers in Health Services’ Implementation Science section launches a Research Topic to fuel the field’s discourse on the past, present, and future of hybrid designs in knowledge translation. Submissions are welcome of both Original and/or Brief Research, Review, Methods, and Perspective articles. The call addresses critical assessments of hybrid designs, innovative use of hybrid designs in current trials, and...
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 1 February 2022
During the months of November, December & January, ISSUP’s National Chapters came together virtually to discuss priorities, research, collaboration opportunities and our forthcoming conference and workshop next May in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Barros, R., Serrano P. I., Tufró, F., Canay, R., Carroli, M., Felix T. R., & Milanese, E. (2021). Client’s characterization in the Community Treatment approach: Methodological foundations and evidence. Adiktologie, Advance online publication.
BACKGROUND: The identity and social representation of people linked to drugs depend on their interaction with the system that collects and analyses the critical data used to describe it. AIM: The aim of this study is to see if by adopting a non-institutional and non-formal approach the drug users’ profile will be different from that in mainstream formal studies.
METHODS: Data was collected using a Community Treatment information and systematization tool (First Contact Form – FCF). Critical information on 6,090 cases was systematized. Data was collected by teams implementing Community...
ISSUP Argentina invites you to participate in a webinar that addresses the increased impact of isolation and social distancing resulting from the pandemic on the quality of life of vulnerable populations in Latin America, including children...
El equipo de ISSUP Argentina se encuentra realando una consultoría consultoría con al área de DeSarrollo Humano del Municipio de San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca (Катамарка, Аргентина). Mediante este acuerdo, se está trabajando con el equipo del Municipio, aspectos vinculados al uso de evidencias e información epidemiológica en el disenio de políticas y en estrategias de comunicación con medios y decisores policos.
ISSUP Argentina held a webinar presenting a general initial framework and evidence on the characterization and approach of problematic substance use in the population of women deprived of liberty.
The webinar took place on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. (Argentina time)
Speaker: Dr. Veronica Brasesco
PhD in Psychology from the University of Bologna (Italy)
Specialist in children's clinic
General Coordinator of the Argentine Chapter of ISSUP
Master Trainer of the Colombo Plan, Drug Advisory Programme (DAP) and CHILD Programme (Child Intervention for Living Drug-Free)
Рефератты ұсыну мерзімі ұзартылды! Абу-Дабиде онлайн режимінде және жеке өзі өтіп жатқан іс-шараға рефераттық ұсыныстар: 2022 жылдың 11-16 мамыры 31 қазанға дейін ұзартылды! Оқиға туралы қосымша ақпарат алыңыз және рефератыңызды жіберіңіз:
ISSUP Argentina presented a webinar on the role that affective sexual diversity and trans and non-binary people have as a determining factor of health in the field of Addictions.
The webinar took place on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. (Argentina Time).
Despite the role that affective sexual diversity and trans and non-binary people have as a determining factor in health, many times this perspective has not been taken into account in the field of Addictions. However, for some years now, International Organizations have emphasized the need to incorporate this approach into...