Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use.
Healthy Nightlife Toolbox - Resources for Creating Safer Nightlife Settings
The Healthy Nightlife Toolbox (HNT) is an international initiative that focuses on the reduction of harm from alcohol and drug use among young people.
The Healthy Nightlife Toolbox collects and provides information on evidence-based...
Нашақорлықтың алдын алу және емдеу жөніндегі іс-шараларды бағалауға арналған тегін ресурс
Бағалау құралдары банкі (ЕИБ) - нашақорлықтың алдын алу және емдеу бағдарламалары мен бастамаларын бағалау үшін еркін қолжетімді ресурстардың онлайн дерекқоры . Мұрағатты интервенция (емдеу немесе алдын алу) түрлері бойынша, бағалау түрлері...
Tobacco and Cancer: Epidemiology and New Perspectives of Prevention and Monitoring in Mexico
Tobacco smoking is a causal risk factor of at least 16 different types of cancer. In Mexico, smoking causes 6,035 premature deaths annually of lung cancer and 5,154 from other types. Additionally, 16,408 new smoking attributable cases are...
Ата-аналардың әлеуметтік-экономикалық мәртебесі және жасөспірімдік темекі шегу көрсеткіштері: Сілтеме дегеніміз не?
Балаларда никотинге тәуелділікпен ата-ананың әлеуметтік-экономикалық мәртебесі қандай жолмен байланысты?
Норвегияда жүргізілген жаңа зерттеу осы мәселені анықтауға бағытталған. Зерттеу барысында ата-аналардың әлеуметтік-экономикалык...
Healthier Alternatives and Natural Highs: The Success of the Icelandic Model
The Multiple Health Effects of Marijuana Use
In its first report for almost 20 years, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), has found the use of marijuana seems to be particularly connected to:
- Breathing problems
- Mental health issues such as psychosis, social anxiety and...
Are Personality-Targeted Prevention Initiatives Successful?
Research has found that one’s personality is a useful predictor of drug and alcohol abuse. One notable programme that approaches substance prevention by focusing on personal characteristics is PreVenture. PreVenture has already been shown...
Are People Smoking Less and Less?
According to new findings published in the journal Tobacco Control, more than 53 million people in 88 countries have stopped smoking between 2008 – 2014 because of tobacco control measures.
Statistically, this means that during the 4...
Үздік тәжірибе туралы EMCDDA жаңартулары
2017 жылдың басында Есiрткi және нашақорлық мониторингiнiң жаңа Еуропалық орталығы (EMCDDA) үздік тәжірибе есебі жарияланады. Ол Еуропада субстанцияларды пайдаланудың алдын алуға терең қарауға мүмкіндік береді.
Баяндамада айтылған мақсат...
Парагвайдағы UTC және UPC
En un acto que se llevó a cabo en la sede de la Falosofía de la Universidad Católica «Nuestra Señora de la Asunción», el Rector de la citada Universidad y el Ministro de la SENAD dieron lugar a la firma de un convinio de cooperación...
Smoking in Films: Adolescents and Unregulated Exposure
In its latest Smoke-Free Movies Report, the World Health Organisation (WHO) advised governments that films featuring tobacco use ought to be classified for their adult content. Published in the journal Tobacco Control, a new study supports...
2016 National Drug Threat Assessment
The purpose of the DEA's 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment is to provide timely and relevant strategic drug-related intelligence for policymakers in the United States to formulate counterdrug policies. Further, it helps law enforcement...
Scotland and New Psychoactive Substances
A collaborative research project geared towards understanding the patterns of use, motives and harms of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) - commonly referred to as ‘Legal Highs’ - in Scotland has recently published its findings. Amongst the...
Looking to the Future: Healthcare for Adolescents
A recent review published in the Journal of Adolescent Health that looks at the effectiveness of interventions for improving the well-being of teenagers has reached a number of significant conclusions. These include:
- Sexual and...
Report: Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks
VicHealth has released a report summarising a recent investigation into Australia’s consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drinks and its harmful consequences.
The key findings include:
- Young people in metropolitan areas drink...
Sweet Flavoured Tobacco Products May Influence Adolescent Smoking Habits
Younger people consider flavoured variations of tobacco products, for example, cigarettes and e-cigarettes less harmful and more appealing, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina Lineberger...
The Developmental Risks of Second-Hand Smoke among Young Children
A new study published in Indoor Air: International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health has found that the more children are exposed to household tobacco smoke during early childhood, the more likely they are to show anti-social...
Health at a Glance: Europe 2016
The fourth edition of Health at a Glance presents key indicators of health and health systems throughout Europe. The quality of care has generally improved in most EU countries, yet disparities persist. Improved treatments for life...
Declining Addiction One Step at a Time
A new study carried out at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has found that results from drug and alcohol addiction treatment programmes improve amongst teens when they stop smoking. The findings, which have been...
Adolescents, Crime and Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol in the system was a year-long project that investigated the link between drinking and youth offending.
Listed below are the project's key findings:
- Drink culture is rife in the UK. Access to alcohol information and support for...
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