Alcohol and the Environment
The Institute of Alcohol Studies presents Seminar Two in its four-part series on alcohol and sustainability. Seminar Two looks at the impact the production, packaging and distribution of alcohol has on both the local and global environment...
Alcohol industry sustainability commitments
The Institute of Alcohol Studies presents Seminar Three in its four-part series on alcohol and sustainability.
Seminar Three explores the voluntary commitments on sustainability made by alcohol producers, examining pledges in the wider...
Ұлыбританияда алкогольді сусындардың no және төмен маркетингі және тұтынуы
NoLo өнімдері өндірушілер мен клиенттер арасында танымалдылық артып келе жатқандықтан, жаңа репортажда бұл сусындардың Ұлыбританияда қалай сатылатыны және тұтынушылардың оларды қалай және неге ішетіні қаралады.
Сусындармен және...
Alcohol Consumption from a Social and Economic Perspective: A Review Study
Alcohol abuse and addiction are a widespread problem that leads to a serious collision and pose a serious threat to individuals as well as to society as a whole. In addition to the health aspect of alcohol consumption, social...
Profesionalización y fortalecimiento del campo laboral en reducción de la demanda
Coordinado por Livia Edegger, directora adjunta de la International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), los especialistas en este panel hablaron sobre la importancia de crear y robustecer la fuerza laboral en la reducción de la...
The importance of evidence-based policy and practice
What do we mean by evidence and why does it matter?
This article, published by Drugs Research Network Scotland, discusses the hierarchy of evidence and the way evidence can be used to inform effective and efficient drug policy and practice...
New Zealand Announces Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan
New Zealand is making history with the launch of a bold Smokefree Action Plan that aims to reduce daily smoking prevalence to less than 5 percent for all population groups across the country by 2025.
The aim of the new plan is to...
From harm to hope: A ten year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives
Here you can read the UK governments 10-year plan to reduce illegal drug use.
The 10-year plan is also the formal, substantive response to the Independent Reviews of Drugs led by Dame Carol Black and accepts all of her key recommendations...
Public expenditure on supply reduction policies
Supply reduction is often the main approach used for addressing the illicit drug problem.
Evaluating drug policy is an integral part of a cost-efficient approach to tackle illicit drugs. This report takes a first step towards a systematic...
Costs and Unintended consequences of drug policy
Evaluation is an integral part of a good governance approach to public policy. This principle applies equally to the component of drug policy designed to counter the availability of and access to illicit drugs. Estimation or full costing of...
Impact of Cannabis Legalization on Youth Contact with the Criminal Justice System
The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) provided funding to Dr. Akwasi Owusu-Bempah and Dr. Scot Wortley from the University of Toronto to research youth interactions with the criminal justice system, including the nature...
Addiction treatment in India: Legal, ethical and professional concerns reported in the media
Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance-related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School Health approach
The Public Health Agency of Canada developed The Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance-related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School Approach with a policy paper.
These new resources for preventing substance-related harms...
Африкадағы темекіге қарсы күрес
Дүниежүзiлiк денсаулық сақтау ұйымының (бұдан әрi - ДДҰ) бағалауы бойынша африкалық жасөспiрiмдердiң бiрi темекiнi пайдаланады және 2002-2030 жылдар кезеңiнде табысы төмен және орташа елдерде темекiнi пайдалануға байланысты iс-шаралардың...
Cocaine Insights 2
In the context of an ongoing expansion of the global cocaine market, this report summarizes the current state of knowledge on what cocaine consumer products are and how they are produced and consumed in different world regions. The report...
Cocaine Insights 1
The cocaine market presents a clear threat at the global level. Well-defined locations of production in South America and large consumer markets in the Americas and Europe lead to trafficking routes from a circumscribed origin to specific...
Еуропа өңірін қауіпсіз ету: алкогольді бақылау саясатындағы әзірлемелер, 2010–2019 жж.(2021)
Бұл есепте 2010, 2016 және 2019 жылдардағы қолда бар деректерді пайдалана отырып, алкогольді тұтынудың, алкогольге жататын зиянның және ДДҰ Еуропа өңірінде алкогольге қарсы күрес саясатын жүзеге асырудың қазіргі жай-күйі көрсетілген.
Further Enhancing the Implementation of Quality Standards in Drug Demand Reduction Across Europe
The EU Strategy 2021-2025 puts further emphasis on QS and evidence-based interventions.
Yet, the extent and ways in which QS are implemented in daily practices of drug prevention, treatment and harm reduction in the EU varies substantially...
Synthetic cannabinoids in Europe – a review
This report provides a technical review of the current body of knowledge regarding synthetic cannabinoids that are monitored by the the EU Early Warning System.
The aim of this report is to strengthen situational awareness of synthetic...
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