Денсаулық сақтау және гуманитарлық дағдарыстар жағдайында есiрткi проблемаларын шешу: Нигерияда есiрткiнi тұтынудың кешендi алдын алу жөнiндегi күтiмге мұқтаж параметрлер
Kenya to include smoking cessation drugs as essential medicines
The Ministry of Health has been advised to add two non-nicotine drugs to Kenya’s Essential Medicines List, to help smokers quit tobacco and nicotine addiction.
The World Health Organization said the two drugs bring “a powerful shift in...
Жаңа психоактивті заттар (НПС) - Ирландия жағдайы.
Бұл факт парағында Ирландияда таралуы, емделуі, өлім-жітімі және заңнамасы туралы соңғы есептерден жиналған жаңа психоактивті заттар туралы ақпарат пен статистикалық мәліметтер жинақталған.
Alcohol & Human Rights
The Institute of Alcohol Studies presents Seminar Four in its four-part series on alcohol and sustainability. Seminar Four explored workers’ rights for alcohol industry employees in the developing world; industry practices in Africa...
Жаңа психоактивті заттар (НПС) Вебинар сериясы
Әр түрлі НПС әртүрлі елдерде есірткі тұтыну көрінісін айтарлықтай өзгертті. Олар қазір дәрі-дәрмек нарығында өте көрнекті. Шынында да, бұл заттардың көбі есірткі туралы заңдарды айналып өтуге арналған және каннабис, героин, кокаин...
New psychoactive substances: A review and updates
New psychoactive substances (NPS) are a diverse group of substances that are linked with a number of health and social harms on an individual and societal level. NPS toxicity and dependence syndromes are recognised in primary care...
From harm to hope: A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives
Executive summary
The 10-year UK Government plan to combat illegal drugs sets out how we are doing more than ever to cut off the supply of drugs by criminal gangs and give people with a drug addiction a route to a productive and drug...
Effectiveness of Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour on Relapse Prevention Across Socio-Demographic Patterns of Participants: Insights from Kenya - Jacqueline A. Anundo, Day 5, 11:00-12:31
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 16th May, 2022
- Effectiveness of Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour on Relapse Prevention Across Socio-Demographic...
The Hidden Costs of Big Tobacco
The devastating impact of tobacco on the health of users is well known. In addition to the negative effects for the individual, there are significant economic and environmental consequences, which need to be considered when developing...
Connections are Key: Unlocking the heart of relationship based practice - Rowan Anderson, Day 4, 11:00-12:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May,2022
- Connections are Key: Unlocking the heart of relationship based practice - Rowan Anderson
...Educational Prevention, Day 3, Track 1, 09:00-10:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 14th May, 2022
- Role of Civil Society Institutions In Prevention Of Drugs And Psychotropic Substances During...
INEP Plus, Day 2, Track 2, 09:00-10:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 13th May, 2022
- Quality of training modules in prevention – INEP, INEP Plus - Asst. Prof. Horálek Helena, Dr...
NRC International Partners, Day 1, Track 3, 13:30-15:00
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 12th May, 2022
- CBD for Treating Neuropsychiatric Complications of COVID-19 and Role of Addiction Physician -...
Seminar on Role of Students against Drugs
Seminar on Role of Students against Drugs
GC University Lahore organized a special program on drugs, Major General Ghulam Shabbir Narejo DG ANF Pakistan was chief guest and Brig Rashid Minhas RD ANF Punjab was special guest. Principal Prof...
Drug Awareness Campaign through Motivational Speaker
Drug Awareness Campaign through Motivational Speaker
Syed Zulfiqar Husain, Director, Drug Advisory Training Hub (DATH) along with Mr. Adeel Rashid and Syed Mohsin met with Mr. Qasim Ali Shah Motivational Speaker regarding Drug Demand...
Impaired control in heavy drinking and its association with alcohol craving and alcohol use disorder severity
Introduction. Impaired control over drinking has been frequently cited in diverse theoretical descriptions regarding harmful alcohol use and is considered a DSM criterion for alcohol use disorder. Differences in the frequency of...
Register to take part in "Motivational Quizzing" 2022
Variations in national availability of waivered buprenorphine prescribers by racial and ethnic composition of zip codes
Opioid overdose remains a public health crisis in diverse communities. Between 2019 and 2020, there was an almost 40% increase in drug fatalities primarily due to opioid analogues of both stimulants and opioids. Medications...
Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis: Cannabis Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
This report presents the latest clinical evidence on how cannabis use during pregnancy and breastfeeding can affect a developing fetus and infant.
Key points include: the effects of cannabis can be passed onto the fetus through the...
Motivational Interviewing: Reading List
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