
ISSUP Bahamas Wellness Wednesday - 5 June 2024 - Vaping and E-Cigarettes

Taking place from Wednesday, 5 June, join Troy E. Clarke I, ICAP Tx I, an internationally certified


ISSUP Bahamas General Membership Meeting - 11 June 2024

ISSUP Bahamas would like you invite you to their general membership meeting which will take place on Tuesday, 11 June at 7.00 pm.  The meeting agenda will include updates on upcoming training sessions and activities, review of past and future events (including the ISSUP Greece conference) and information on the Chapter's forthcoming elections in September.


ISSUP Багам аралдары БАҚ-та есірткінің алдын алу бойынша тренингке қатысуда

2024 жылғы 13 мамырдан 17 мамырға дейін Америка мемлекеттері ұйымының (OAS) Есірткіні теріс пайдалануды бақылау жөніндегі америкааралық комиссиясы (OAS) Субстанцияларды пайдалану саласындағы мамандардың халықаралық қоғамымен (ISSUP) багам ұлттық тарауымен бірлесіп Нассау қаласындағы (Багам аралдары) мемлекеттік ауруханалар басқармасында есірткінің алдын алу бойынша медиа-тренинг жүргізді. Бағдарлама 2024 жылдың 17 мамырында бітіру рәсімімен аяқталды.


ISSUP Bahamas Wellness Wednesday - 22 May 2024

Join Troy E. Clarke I, ICAP Tx I, President of LEAD Institute, UNODC Global Master Trainer, and Director of ISSUP Bahamas Chapter, as he unveils the Five Keys to Media-Based Drug Prevention Strategies.

Discover powerful insights and actionable strategies to make a real impact in drug prevention through effective media use. Take advantage of this invaluable knowledge!

Get ready to #EmpowerPreventProtect!


ISSUP Bahamas Wellness Сәрсенбі - 8 мамыр 2024 - SUD үшін қорғаныс факторларының қуатын ашу

ISSUP Bahamas 8 мамырда және осы аптада кезекті «Сауықтыру сәрсенбісі» сессиясын өткізеді, біз субстанцияларды пайдаланудың бұзылуынан қорғайтын факторлардың қуатын ашуға баса назар аударамыз. Натания Боу сессияны басқарады және келесі негізгі бағыттарға баса назар аударады:


ISSUP Bahamas INEP Plus Launch

ISSUP Bahamas National Chapter Launches Historic INEP Plus Training at Royal Bahamas Police Force Headquarters – 24 April 2024

ISSUP Bahamas Chapter achieved a significant milestone with the inauguration of its groundbreaking 12-session face-to-face training for Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention – INEP Plus. The historic event unfolded at the esteemed Royal Bahamas Police Force Headquarters in Freeport, Grand Bahama.


ISSUP Bahamas Wellness Wednesday - 1 May 2024 - Understanding Addiction

Join us on 1 May for our next 'Wellness Wednesday'.  This week we will be focusing on understanding


ISSUP Bahamas Launch INEP Plus Training

ISSUP Bahamas are thrilled to announce their first in-country INEP (Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention) training, which will take place between 24 April and 31 July 2024.

The training will be delivered by Troy E Clarke I, ICAP Tx I and Lowena West in Freeport, Grand Bahama.  Those participating will include personnel from the Royal Bahamas Police Force (Northern Division), the Grand Bahama Health Service and The National LEAD Institute.


ISSUP Bahamas Wellness Wednesday - 24 April 2024 - Trauma Informed Care

Join us on 24 April for our next 'Wellness Wednesday'!  In commemoration of Psychology Week's Theme: "Reducing Global Inequalities Through Education: Psychological Contributions", join Nathania Bowe, Case Manager at the LEAD Institute and member of ISSUP Bahamas National Chapter, as she sheds light on 5 key principles of


ISSUP Bahamas Wellness Wednesday - 17 April 2024 - Strategies for Supporting Someone with a Personality Disorder

Join Nathania Bowe, BSc (Hons) in Psychology, and Case Manager at LEAD Institute and Member of ISSUP Bahamas National Chapter on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 for our next 'Wellness Wednesday' session.  We will be delving into essential strategies for supporting individuals with personality disorders. Nathania, with her expertise and experience, brings invaluable insights to help navigate these challenges with compassion and understanding.


Share YOUR Knowledge

If you have any news, research, publications or events to share from your work or your country, please add to the ISSUP Knowledge Share. This will ensure that this information reaches both the international community and your national colleagues. Thank you!

To add to the Knowledge Share – Sign in or become a member