The Global Drug Survey for 2019
Submitted by Edie
The Global Drug Survey for 2019 (GDS2019) was launched on the 29th of October.
The Global Drug Survey is the largest drug survey in the world and over the years has helped increase the understanding of drug trends and the real-life harms facing people who take drugs. The GDS2019 is translated into 20 languages, with partners in over 35 countries. The Global Drug Survey for 2019 is calling for people to take part now!
This year the Global Drug Survey will focus on:
- The acceptability of psychedelic therapies for mental illness
- Psychedelic micro-dosing – the good, the bad and who knows?
- The impact of cannabis health messages on cannabis use
- The use of cannabis edibles: the good the bad and the unexpected
- Fair trade cocaine – would you pay more?
- How much do you trust your dealer?
- Drugs, sexual assault and consent?
- Drugs the police and fair play around the world
- What drug is the best value for money