10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни»
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни» відбулася у Києві 10-11 жовтня 2024 р. у гібридному форматі (офлайн і онлайн).
Seasonal Variations in Treatment Seeking for Alcohol Use Disorder in the Total Danish Population
A significant number of individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) do not seek treatment, and the factors influencing treatment-seeking behavior are not well understood. While it is known that alcohol consumption levels can fluctuate with...
Text Messages Conveying Parental Drinking Limits: A Potential Avenue for Preventing and Reducing Alcohol Use in College Students
Previous studies have shown that when students perceive their parents set strict limits on underage drinking, they tend to consume less alcohol. However, the best ways to communicate these limits effectively remain unclear. To explore this...
Reflections on Mental Health Day 2024
IntNSA Annual Conference 2025: Call for Abstracts
Submission Deadline: Extended to October 31, 2024 at 11:59pm Central Time
The International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) invites you to submit an abstract for oral and/or poster session at the Annual Educational Conference!
Submit Your Plenary Session Proposal for the 2025 NIDA International Forum
Submit Your Plenary Session Proposal for the 2025 NIDA International Forum in New Orleans, Louisiana
Deadline: October 31, 2024
Save the date! The 2025 NIDA International Forum will take place as an in-person meeting in New Orleans...
Call for applications: Health Research at the Nexus of Humanitarian Crises and Climate Change
The Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and partner organizations will host a Global Forum on Humanitarian Health Research (GFH2R) inclusive of public webinars and an in-person meeting in May 2025...
Digital Alcohol and Cannabis Ads, Consumption Frequency, and Driving Under the Influence
This study aimed to explore how exposure to digital advertising for alcohol and cannabis might impact the likelihood of young adults driving under the influence of these substances. The researchers investigated the associations between...
Enhancing Well-being and Preventing Burnout Amongst Treatment Practitioners
2024 UNODC World Drug Report highlights, brief reflections.
The World Drug Report (WDR) is published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2023). It serves to collate data received from United Nations member states which enables the...
Binational Cultural Adaptation of the keepin’ it REAL Substance Use Prevention Program for Adolescents in Mexico
Sharp increases in substance use rates among youth and the lack of evidence-based prevention interventions in Mexico are a major concern. A team of investigators from Mexico and the USA are actively addressing this gap by culturally...
Sport in the Context of Sports Betting and Gambling from the Perspective of University Students: Case of the Czech Republic
BACKGROUND: The sports sector with all its aspects has become an inseparable part of modern society and its influence is manifested in both, local and global, aspects of the life in every country. Not only does sport create and promote...
Prevalence, correlates, and reasons for substance use among adolescents aged 10–17 in Ghana: a cross-sectional convergent parallel mixed-method study
In Ghana, substance use among adolescents poses significant risks to their health, wellbeing, and development. However, little is known about the outlets and reasons for substance use among Ghanaian adolescents. This study...
Understanding Substance Use: Educator's Guide
The guide, co-developed by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) and several school boards, aims to equip educators with knowledge and resources to promote well-being and reduce substance-related harms among youth.
Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids
The report, "Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis: Medical Use of Cannabis and Cannabinoids 2024 Update," examines the medical use of cannabis and cannabinoids, emphasizing their effects, efficacy, and the need for more rigorous research. Key...
A qualitative study of experiences with physical activity among people receiving opioid agonist therapy
Many people with substance use disorders undergoing opioid agonist therapy often have physical or mental health commorbidities. Exercise is recognised as beneficial for both prevention and treatment of various health conditions...
Looking Back: A retirement interview with Jeff Lee
Substance Use Disorders and Oral Health
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and its Specifics at Temporary Foster Care Institution in the Czech Republic: Study Protocol
INTRODUCTION: Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) is a condition unique to a newborn that results from the abrupt cessation of chronic intrauterine drug exposure following birth. Slightly persistent, late onsetting, or slowly fading-out...
Dramadependencia. El teatro, clave de nuestra comunicación Autor: Alfonso Ramírez de Arellano
Los dramas humanos se asemejan a los teatrales. Comparten las mismas emociones, se adscriben a un género y obedecen a las mismas leyes de comunicación. Las posiciones desde las que podemos con- templarlos o participar en ellos son iguales...
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