The NGO Blue Cross of Togo offers a financial envelope to 21 motorcycle taxi drivers

On Tuesday, September 14, 2021 in the presence of the administrative and local authorities of the municipality of the Gulf, the non-governmental organization "Blue Cross", initiator of the project "driving without tramadol and others. it's driving safely'';granted financial aid to motorcycle taxi drivers in the city of Lomé.
"This remittance is part of the continuity of the activities that we are carrying out in extra-curricular environments for the Togolese populations. Since 2019, we have through a series of door-to-door, identified motorcycle taxi drivers to whom we have asked to join us at headquarters for education sessions in life skills development to train as peer educators. And so, the beneficiaries are the ones who followed the training with us and today they go to the field to train other motorcycle taxi drivers," said Isidore MOTCHON Ayaovi, the coordinator of the Blue Cross of Togo.
He also added that: "This project is initiated with the aim of combating the use of psychoactive substances in Togo. We start from the observation that projections, simple sensitizations through images are no longer effective and we have found other ways of doing things that give more results, which pushed us to follow a training on life skills in Namibia and this is what we are implementing in our country to save lives.
According to the coordinator, the expectation is to reduce poverty among this social layer with this aid fund that can help them add income-generating activities to their profession.
Recall that this is a financial envelope worth 2,100,000 FCFA intended for twenty-one (21) motorcycle taxi drivers up to 100,000 FCFA each.