Drug policy and the public good

Drug use has a significant impact on health published by illness, disability, and social problems, and the decision makers are increasingly interested in the development of evidence-based drug policy. Is fundamentanl to strengthen ties between the science of drug addiction and drug policy. Drug policy and the public good is a collaborative effort by an international group of researchers from career to provide an analytical basis for the construction of relevant global policies for drugs and to inform decision makers have direct responsibility for public health and social welfare.
Drug policy and the public present, a comprehensive, practical and easily accessible form, the accumulated knowledge about illicit drugs cintifico that has direct relevance to the development of a policy on drugs at the local level, national and international. The authors describe the conceptual basis for a rational drug policy and introduce new epidemiological data on the global dimension of the risk of drug use. The book is a critical review of the scientific evidence in five general themes acumunada policy on drugs: primary prevention in schools and other environments; strategies for supply reduction, including drug interdiction and law enforcement; interventions for reducing treatment and damage; criminal sanctions and discrimination; and control of the legal market through systems for the prescription of psychotropic drugs. The final chapters discuss the current state of drug policy in different parts of the world and described the need for a new approach to drug policy based on evidence, realistic and coordinated.
Putting the politics of drugs mainly from the perspective of public health, the book the growing tendency of Governments, national and local, consider drugs as a health determinants and factoe with this illegal psychoactive Organize responses social. The book is of interest to those who are involved with the science of addiction and drugs drug policy, such as those in broader fields of public health, health, epidemiology, primary prevention and treatment services.